What To Serve With Mapo Tofu? 15 Best Side Dishes

Mapo Tofu

Mapo tofu, with its rich and spicy flavors, is a dish that pairs well with a variety of side dishes. To balance the heat and savoriness, try adding some light and refreshing sides.

Here are 15 delicious and complementary dishes that will enhance your mapo tofu, making your meal both satisfying and exciting.

Mapo Tofu

Looking for a quick answer?

The best side dishes to serve with mapo tofu are bok choy, jasmine rice, steamed broccoli, spring rolls, pineapple fried rice, mango kani salad, honey garlic shrimp, brown rice, tempura vegetables, dragon roll, Chinese cucumber salad, garlic chive pancakes, sesame noodles, and edamame.

Now, let's get cooking!

1. Bok Choy

Bok Choy air fryer

Bok choy adds a refreshing and crunchy contrast to the spicy mapo tofu. Sauté the bok choy with garlic and a splash of soy sauce until just tender. The mild, slightly sweet flavor and crisp texture of bok choy provide a perfect balance to the bold flavors of the mapo tofu.

2. Jasmine Rice

Cooked jasmine rice in a brown bowl with fork on side

Jasmine rice is a classic side that pairs wonderfully with mapo tofu. The fragrant, slightly sticky rice helps to soak up the flavorful sauce, making each bite of mapo tofu even more enjoyable. Its mild flavor and fluffy texture make it an ideal accompaniment.

3. Steamed Broccoli


Steamed broccoli offers a healthy and simple side that complements the richness of mapo tofu. Lightly steam the broccoli until it's bright green and tender-crisp. The fresh, slightly bitter taste of broccoli helps to balance the spicy, umami-rich mapo tofu.

4. Spring Rolls

spring rolls

Spring rolls are a crispy and savory side that goes well with mapo tofu. Fill rice paper wrappers with a mix of shredded vegetables and proteins, then fry until golden brown. Serve with a sweet chili dipping sauce. The crunchy texture and fresh flavors of the spring rolls provide a delightful contrast to the soft tofu.

5. Pineapple Fried Rice

Pineapple fried rice adds a sweet and savory twist to your meal. Stir-fry rice with chunks of pineapple, vegetables, and a touch of curry powder. The sweetness of the pineapple pairs nicely with the spicy mapo tofu, creating a harmonious blend of flavors.

6. Mango Kani Salad

Mango kani salad is a refreshing side that brings a sweet and tangy element to your meal. Combine shredded crab sticks (kani), julienned mango, and cucumber, then toss with a light dressing made of mayonnaise, rice vinegar, and a touch of sugar. The crisp, fresh flavors of the salad balance the heat of the mapo tofu.

7. Honey Garlic Shrimp

Honey Garlic Shrimp

Honey garlic shrimp offers a sweet and savory side that pairs well with mapo tofu. Sauté shrimp in a mixture of honey, garlic, soy sauce, and a hint of ginger until they're cooked through and caramelized. The sweet and garlicky flavor of the shrimp complements the spicy tofu, adding a delicious contrast to the meal.

8. Brown Rice

Brown rice is a wholesome and nutty alternative to white rice. Cook it until tender and serve as a hearty base for mapo tofu. Its chewy texture and earthy flavor balance the spiciness of the tofu, offering a nutritious and satisfying complement that enhances the overall meal without overwhelming the palate.

9. Tempura Vegetables

Tempura vegetables provide a crispy and light contrast to the rich mapo tofu. Dip slices of vegetables like sweet potatoes, bell peppers, and zucchini in a light tempura batter and fry until golden and crispy. The delicate, airy crunch of tempura veggies adds a delightful texture to your meal, making each bite exciting.

10. Dragon Roll

Dragon Roll

A dragon roll, with its combination of eel, cucumber, avocado, and spicy mayo, offers a flavorful and luxurious side dish. The savory and slightly sweet flavors of the dragon roll, along with its creamy and crunchy textures, pair beautifully with the spicy mapo tofu, adding an indulgent touch to your meal.

11. Egg Roll in a Bowl

Ground beef with cabbage slices and chopped scallion in a brown bowl

Egg roll in a bowl is a flavorful and satisfying side that pairs well with mapo tofu. This deconstructed version of the classic egg roll combines ground meat (or a vegetarian substitute) with shredded cabbage, carrots, and green onions. Cook these ingredients together in a skillet with soy sauce, ginger, and garlic. The crunchy vegetables and savory flavors of the egg roll in a bowl add a delightful contrast to the spicy and rich mapo tofu, making it a perfect addition to your meal.

12. Chinese Cucumber Salad

Chinese cucumber salad is a refreshing and tangy side that balances the heat of the mapo tofu. Slice cucumbers thinly and toss them with rice vinegar, sesame oil, garlic, and a touch of sugar. The crisp, cool cucumbers and the tangy dressing provide a light and refreshing contrast to the rich and spicy tofu.

13. Garlic Chive Pancakes

Garlic chive pancakes are savory and aromatic, making them a great side for mapo tofu. Mix flour, water, and chopped garlic chives into a batter, then pan-fry until golden and crispy. The garlicky flavor and crispy texture of the pancakes complement the spicy tofu, adding an extra layer of deliciousness.

14. Edamame

Edamame is a simple, healthy, and protein-rich side that goes well with mapo tofu. Steam the edamame and sprinkle with sea salt. The fresh, slightly sweet flavor and firm texture of the edamame offer a nice contrast to the spicy, soft tofu, making it a perfect light and nutritious side.

15. Sesame Noodles

Sesame noodles are a flavorful and comforting side that pairs well with mapo tofu. Cook noodles and toss them with a sauce made from sesame paste, soy sauce, garlic, and a touch of chili oil. The nutty, savory flavor of the noodles complements the rich tofu, providing a satisfying and cohesive meal.

Mapo Tofu

What To Serve With Mapo Tofu

Looking for the best sides to eat with your flavorful mapo tofu? We have 15 delicious ideas for the perfect meal.
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Course: dinner, lunch, Side Dish
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: mapo tofu, tofu
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2
Author: Corrie


  • 1 mapo tofu


  • Make the best mapo tofu using your favorite recipe.
  • Make a side dish from the list above. You can eat mapo tofu with bok choy, jasmine rice, steamed broccoli, spring rolls, pineapple fried rice, mango kani salad, honey garlic shrimp, brown rice, tempura vegetables, dragon roll, Chinese cucumber salad, garlic chive pancakes, sesame noodles, and edamame.
  • Serve and enjoy a wonderful meal 🙂
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