What To Serve With Chicken Adobo? 16 BEST Side Dishes

chicken adobo

Chicken Adobo is a savory and slightly tangy Filipino dish that’s beloved for its rich flavors.

To complement this delicious main course, here are 16 side dishes that will enhance your meal. Each one brings unique flavors and textures, making your dinner balanced and satisfying.

chicken adobo

Looking for a quick answer?

The best side dishes to serve with chicken adobo are jasmine rice, sautéed mushrooms, honey glazed carrots, canned asparagus, cauliflower rice, steamed vegetables, Israeli couscous, quinoa, smashed potatoes, butternut squash cubes, Shirazi salad, garlic fried rice, roasted Brussels sprouts, and mango salsa.

Now, let's get cooking!

1. Jasmine Rice

Jasmine Rice

Jasmine rice is a fragrant and slightly sticky rice that pairs perfectly with Chicken Adobo. Its light floral aroma and soft texture make it ideal for soaking up the rich sauce. Cook the rice in a rice cooker or on the stovetop, and enjoy its simplicity alongside the flavorful adobo. This side dish is a classic choice that complements the dish's savory and tangy flavors beautifully.

2. Sautéed Mushrooms

Sautéed mushrooms add a rich, earthy flavor that complements the savory notes of Chicken Adobo. Cook sliced mushrooms in a hot pan with olive oil, garlic, and a splash of soy sauce until they are golden brown. The mushrooms’ deep flavor enhances the overall meal and adds a nice textural contrast. This side dish is easy to prepare and adds a delicious depth to your plate.

3. Honey Glazed Carrots

Honey-Glazed Carrots

Honey glazed carrots provide a sweet and slightly tangy side that pairs well with the savory Chicken Adobo. Cook sliced carrots in a mixture of honey, butter, and a bit of lemon juice until they are tender and glossy. The sweetness of the carrots balances the savory and tangy flavors of the adobo, making for a harmonious and delightful meal combination.

4. Canned Asparagus

canned asparagus

Canned asparagus is a convenient and tasty side dish. Simply drain and rinse the asparagus, then sauté it briefly with a bit of garlic and olive oil to enhance its flavor. The tender asparagus spears add a subtle, fresh taste that complements the rich adobo sauce. This quick and easy side dish brings a touch of elegance and a healthy green element to your meal.

5. Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower rice is a light and low-carb alternative to traditional rice. Pulse cauliflower florets in a food processor until they resemble rice grains, then sauté in a pan with a bit of olive oil and garlic. This side dish absorbs the adobo sauce well and adds a nutritious twist to your meal. It's a great option for those looking to keep their meal light and healthy.

6. Steamed Vegetables

Steamed Vegetables

Steamed vegetables are a healthy and colorful addition to your Chicken Adobo dinner. Steam a mix of broccoli, carrots, and bell peppers until they are tender-crisp. The fresh, natural flavors of the vegetables provide a nice contrast to the rich and savory adobo. This side dish is not only nutritious but also adds vibrant colors and textures to your plate.

7. Israeli Couscous


Israeli couscous aka pearl couscous, is a delightful side dish that pairs well with Chicken Adobo. Cook the couscous according to the package instructions, then toss with a bit of olive oil and fresh herbs. The chewy texture and mild flavor of the couscous complement the bold flavors of the adobo. This side dish adds a unique and enjoyable texture to your meal.

8. Quinoa

Quinoa is a protein-packed side dish that pairs nicely with Chicken Adobo. Cook quinoa in chicken broth for extra flavor, then fluff with a fork and mix in some chopped parsley. The nutty taste and fluffy texture of quinoa make it a great base for soaking up the delicious adobo sauce. This nutritious side dish is both tasty and wholesome, enhancing your meal's overall quality.

9. Smashed Potatoes

Smashed Potatoes

Smashed potatoes are a delightful and rustic side dish that pairs well with Chicken Adobo. Boil small potatoes until tender, then gently smash them and roast with olive oil, garlic, and rosemary until crispy. The crispy exterior and fluffy interior of the potatoes are perfect for soaking up the rich adobo sauce. This combination creates a satisfying and hearty meal.

10. Butternut Squash Cubes

butternut squash

Butternut squash cubes offer a sweet and savory flavor that complements the tangy Chicken Adobo. Roast the cubed squash with a drizzle of olive oil, salt, and pepper until caramelized and tender. The natural sweetness of the squash balances the savory notes of the adobo. Adding a sprinkle of fresh thyme or rosemary enhances the flavor, making this side dish a delicious and nutritious addition to your meal.

11. Shirazi Salad

Shirazi salad is a refreshing and vibrant side dish that pairs beautifully with Chicken Adobo. Mix diced cucumbers, tomatoes, and red onions with fresh parsley, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper. The crisp vegetables and tangy dressing provide a light contrast to the rich adobo. This simple yet flavorful salad adds a burst of freshness, making your meal feel balanced and complete.

12. Garlic Fried Rice

Garlic fried rice is a flavorful and aromatic side that enhances the savory taste of Chicken Adobo. Cook leftover rice with garlic, soy sauce, and a bit of sesame oil until it’s crispy and golden. The garlicky flavor adds depth to your meal and pairs perfectly with the adobo sauce. This fried rice not only complements the dish but also makes it more filling and satisfying.

13. Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Roasted Brussels sprouts add a nutty and slightly sweet flavor to your Chicken Adobo meal. Toss the sprouts with olive oil, salt, and pepper, then roast until crispy and caramelized. Their hearty texture and rich flavor make them an excellent companion to the tangy chicken. Adding a bit of balsamic glaze or Parmesan cheese can elevate the dish further, providing a delicious and nutritious side.

14. Mango Salsa

Mango salsa is a fresh and fruity side dish that pairs well with the bold flavors of Chicken Adobo. Combine diced mango, red bell pepper, red onion, cilantro, and lime juice. The sweet and tangy salsa adds a refreshing element that contrasts nicely with the savory adobo. This vibrant salsa not only enhances the flavors of the dish but also adds a colorful and tropical touch to your meal.

15. Kimchi

Kimchi is a spicy and tangy Korean side dish that adds a unique twist to your Chicken Adobo meal. Serve a small portion of this fermented cabbage dish to bring a burst of flavor and spice that complements the tangy and savory notes of the adobo. The crunchiness and spiciness of kimchi add an exciting dimension to your meal, making it more dynamic and flavorful.

16. Cucumber Raita

Cucumber raita is a cooling yogurt-based side that pairs wonderfully with Chicken Adobo. Mix diced cucumbers with yogurt, mint, and a pinch of cumin. This creamy and refreshing dish helps balance the heat and tanginess of the adobo. The coolness of the raita provides a soothing contrast, making each bite of your meal more enjoyable and balanced.

chicken adobo

What To Serve With Chicken Adobo

Looking for the best sides to eat with your flavorful chicken adobo? We have 16 delicious ideas for the perfect meal.
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Course: dinner, lunch, Side Dish
Cuisine: Filipino
Keyword: Chicken Adobo
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2
Author: Corrie


  • 1 chicken adobo


  • Make the best chicken adobo using your favorite recipe.
  • Make a side dish from the list above. You can eat chicken adobo with jasmine rice, sautéed mushrooms, honey glazed carrots, canned asparagus, cauliflower rice, steamed vegetables, Israeli couscous, quinoa, smashed potatoes, butternut squash cubes, Shirazi salad, garlic fried rice, roasted Brussels sprouts, and mango salsa.
  • Serve and enjoy a wonderful meal 🙂
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