Garlic Confit

Garlic confit is a simple yet decadent way to prepare garlic. By gently poaching garlic cloves in olive oil, this technique transforms the usually sharp and pungent cloves into something utterly sweet, tender, and rich in flavor. The process is straightforward and requires minimal active cooking time, making it a fantastic addition to any cook's repertoire.

Garlic confit can be used in a variety of dishes, from spreads to sauces, elevating everyday meals with a gourmet touch. This recipe not only offers delicious results but also provides a versatile ingredient that enhances any dish it accompanies.

Why This Recipe Works

The slow cooking process used in making garlic confit ensures that the garlic cloves are softened without browning, which sweetens their natural flavor and eliminates any harsh bite. This mellowness makes the cloves versatile enough to be used in countless ways in the kitchen. Whether blended into a smooth paste for a spread, mixed into dressings, or tossed with pasta, the confit adds a depth of flavor that raw or quickly cooked garlic simply can't match. Moreover, the oil itself becomes infused with garlic, making it an excellent cooking medium or dressing base.

One of the best aspects of garlic confit is how effortlessly it can be made. With just a slow simmer and some patience, you can transform basic ingredients into a gourmet condiment. Additionally, garlic confit has a relatively long shelf life when stored properly in the refrigerator, where the oil preserves the garlic for weeks. This means you can always have a jar on hand to enhance meals on the fly, providing a quick way to add a burst of flavor to any dish without the need for fresh preparation each time.


Garlic: The star of the dish, turns soft and sweet when cooked slowly. No real substitute captures the same effect.

Olive Oil: Used to gently poach the garlic, adding flavor and preserving the cloves. Substitute with canola or vegetable oil for a neutral taste.

Thyme: Adds a subtle, earthy flavor to the confit. Rosemary or oregano can be used as alternatives.

Bay Leaves: Provide a depth of flavor, complementing the garlic. Can be omitted if not available.

Peppercorns: Adds a slight spice and complexity. Crushed red pepper flakes can be used for more heat.


  • Ensure the garlic is fully submerged in oil to cook evenly and prevent burning.
  • Cook on the lowest possible simmer to avoid frying the garlic.
  • Allow the confit to cool completely in the oil to enhance flavor infusion.
  • Store garlic confit in the refrigerator to keep it fresh longer.
  • Use a heavy-bottomed pot or saucepan to ensure consistent heat distribution.

How to Serve

Garlic confit is a versatile and luxurious addition to many dishes, transforming simple meals into gourmet experiences with its rich, mellow flavor. The softened garlic and its infused oil can be used separately or together to enhance the taste of your cooking.

  • Spread on Bread: Use the soft cloves as a spread for toasted baguette slices or stir into mashed potatoes for a rich garlic flavor.
  • Enhance Sauces: Mix into pasta sauces or over cooked vegetables for a deep, sweet garlic taste.
  • Salad Dressings: Whisk the infused oil into vinegars and mustards to create flavorful salad dressings or marinades.

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Garlic Confit

Discover the luxurious flavor of garlic confit, perfect for spreads, enhancing sauces, or making dressings. Simple ingredients, deeply transformative taste.
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Course: Condiment
Cuisine: French
Keyword: Garlic Confit Butter, Garlic Confit Olive oil
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours
Total Time: 2 hours 5 minutes
Servings: 1 cup
Author: Corrie


  • 1 cup peeled garlic cloves about 3 heads of garlic
  • About 2 cups olive oil enough to fully cover the garlic in the pot
  • 4-5 sprigs of thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon peppercorns
  • Optional: pinch of salt


  • Place the garlic cloves in a small saucepan or skillet.
  • Pour enough olive oil into the pan to completely submerge the garlic.
  • Add the thyme, bay leaves, and peppercorns to the oil.
  • Place the pan over very low heat and let the garlic simmer gently. The oil should barely bubble.
  • Cook for about 2 hours, or until the garlic is very soft but not browned.
  • Remove from heat and allow the confit to cool to room temperature in the oil.
  • Transfer the garlic and oil into a jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator.


Calories: 12kcal Carbohydrates: 3g Protein: 0.5g Fat: 0.2g Saturated Fat: 0.1g Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.04g Monounsaturated Fat: 0.03g Sodium: 1mg Potassium: 60mg Fiber: 1g Sugar: 0.03g Vitamin A: 36IU Vitamin C: 0.1mg Calcium: 21mg Iron: 1mg


• Ensure the garlic is fully submerged in oil to cook evenly and prevent burning.
• Cook on the lowest possible simmer to avoid frying the garlic.
• Allow the confit to cool completely in the oil to enhance flavor infusion.
• Store garlic confit in the refrigerator to keep it fresh longer.
• Use a heavy-bottomed pot or saucepan to ensure consistent heat distribution.
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