12 Poor People Foods We Will Still Eat Even If We Win The Lottery

hot dog beans

Some foods are loved by everyone, no matter how much money they have. Things like instant noodles and peanut butter are not fancy, but they taste really good. These 12 simple foods can make us feel happy and remind us of good times. They show us that we don't need to spend a lot to enjoy a delicious meal. AUTHOR: Emmanuel Stanley

1. Instant Noodles

Instant noodles
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It's one of the quickest and cheapest foods to make with just boiling water. For some variety and added filling, you could choose any or all of the following garnishes: carrots, veggies, spring onions, onions, tomatoes, red pepper, egg (boiled, fried, or scrambled) green beans. The cook time does not change remarkably, and the taste is superb.

2. Saltines With Cheese

Saltines With Cheese
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It is one of the many flavor combinations people never think will work. It is a popular snack that retains its appeal on all financial levels.

3. Tomatoes and Grilled Cheese

Tomatoes and Grilled Cheese
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Sandwiches look very simple, but they can be remarkable. Not many things scream "home" and "comfort," like a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of creamy tomato soup. With the ripest of tomatoes, softest of bread, mildest of cheese, and the simplest of recipes and steps, the cheesiest sandwiches can be concocted with soup to match the classiest people. Whether a fast lunch or a family feast, it is ideal for feeding a lot.

4. Cinnamon Toast

Cinnamon Toast
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Golden brown outside to fluffy softs inside and cinnamon, butter, and sugar in between, the taste of this quick snack fills the deep void of breakfast for any social class. Any of the several ways of prep that vary the bread choice and cinnamon-sugar ratio produces a crisp with ultimate deliciousness.

5. Buttered Noodles

Traditional iatlian spaghetti with cheese and butter «pasta in bianco», selective focus
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Simple to prepare, saucy, buttered noodles are excellent on their own or with steak, chicken, or meatballs. For this quick, straightforward, kid-friendly dinner, you only need butter, Parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper. However, you could also add fresh herbs and a little lemon juice to enhance the flavor.

6. Lentils

Lentil soup
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A user calls this "the perfect protein." It is a healthy soup with lentils - brown, red, yellow, green, or black - as the main item. Include yellow or red for thickening and simple spices, fresh veggies, and a squash of lemon for the best taste.

7. Tuna Casserole

Tuna Casserole
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A pantry staple made to be pulled out when there's nothing else to go by. All told, this recipe takes half an hour to complete. Cook the noodles separately to get a better texture. Adding fresh veggies like onions and celery takes the flavor up a notch.

8. Beans and Weenies

hot dogs served with baked beans on a plate
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A delicious combo of browned hot dogs sliced and blended with baked beans and various scrumptious seasonings. Easy, quick, and not just for kids!

9. Cottage Pie

cottage pie, shepherd's pie, english cuisine
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Also called shepherd pie, It is made with a hearty meat filling cooked in a tasty sauce blended with vegetables and then topped with mashed potatoes. An English classic of comfort food!

10. Ramen

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The ingredients of ramen, a famous Japanese noodle soup, include a variety of noodles, a range of meats or veggies, and frequently a boiled egg on top. Ramen is a nutritious soup (also regarded as a fast snack) that fills the tummy during cold weather.

11. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter
Credit: Shutterstock

It's simple, affordable, and packs a punch of protein and comfort in every spoonful. Whether slathered on toast, swirled into oatmeal, or enjoyed straight from the jar, peanut butter's creamy richness is a beloved staple that reminds us of childhood snacks and easy, delicious meals.

12. Bologna Sandwich

Bologna Sandwich
Credit: Shutterstock

This humble sandwich, often a lunchbox classic, brings a wave of nostalgia with its simple yet satisfying taste. The soft bread, a slice of bologna, and a smear of mustard or mayo, create an unpretentious meal that reminds us wealth can't buy the flavors of fond memories and simplicity.

Source: Reddit.

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3 thoughts on “12 Poor People Foods We Will Still Eat Even If We Win The Lottery

  1. Cottage pie is not also known as shepherd's pie. Shepherd's pie is made from lamb and lamb only. Cottage pie is similar but different.
    That's like saying Alfredo is the same as buttered noodles.

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