12 Foods to Avoid if You Have High Cholesterol

cheese salami palate charcuterie

Managing high cholesterol is crucial for heart health, and diet plays a big part. Certain foods can raise cholesterol levels, so knowing what to avoid is key. Here are 10 foods that are best left off your plate if you're watching your cholesterol, helping you maintain a heart-healthy diet.

1. Fried Foods

Onion rings
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Fried chicken, French fries, and fried treats are examples. Fried foods absorb part of the oil used in the cooking process. This can significantly increase the food's calorie and fat content, especially harmful fats that elevate cholesterol levels.

Fried foods are usually high in calories and might contribute to weight gain and obesity. Excess body weight can increase cholesterol levels and the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease.

2. Processed Meats

hot dogs
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Foods such as deli meats, sausages, hot dogs, and bacon contain high saturated and trans fats, potentially increasing LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. To support healthy cholesterol levels, it is recommended to restrict the intake of processed meats.

Include lean protein sources, such as poultry, fish, legumes, and tofu, in your diet. Opting for fresh and unprocessed food options can aid in limiting the consumption of saturated fats, additives, and sodium. This can ultimately promote improved cholesterol management and better cardiovascular health.

3. High-Fat Dairy Products

Blue Cheese
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Whole milk, cream, butter, and cheese are high in saturated fats, which can raise cholesterol levels. Saturated fats can increase LDL cholesterol production in the liver. LDL cholesterol is also called "bad" cholesterol because it can accumulate in the arteries, causing plaque formation and raising the risk of heart disease.

Full-fat dairy products naturally contain dietary cholesterol. Although dietary cholesterol has less impact on blood cholesterol levels than saturated fats, it still contributes to overall cholesterol intake.

4. Fast Food Burgers

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Common harmful fats found in fast restaurant burgers include saturated and trans fats. Cheese, bacon, mayonnaise, and specialized sauces are common additions. These toppings may harm cholesterol levels since they raise the burger's calorie and saturated fat content.

5. Butter and Margarine

Butter on bread
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Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and commonly found in animal-based products such as butter. Margarine is a spread made from hydrogenated vegetable oils. This process can produce harmful trans fats that raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL (good) cholesterol.

Moderate consumption of butter and margarine is recommended for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Choosing plant-based spreads like olive or avocado oil is a healthier option. These spreads have lower saturated fats and may include heart-healthy unsaturated fats.

6. Baked Goods

Butterscotch Cookies
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Commercially produced baked goods, such as pastries, cookies, and cakes, frequently contain unhealthy trans fats and high levels of saturated fats. huge amounts of butter and shortening are typical in their preparation.

Limiting the consumption of commercially made baked goods and choosing healthier homemade options is recommended. Opting for whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins for snacks or desserts can improve cholesterol levels and overall health.

7. Ice Cream

Ice Cream
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Saturated fats are particularly abundant in ice cream. Therefore it's best to limit your consumption of it. Make healthier ice cream desserts by combining frozen fruits like bananas or mangoes. Try your hand at making your popsicles using pureed fruits and yogurt.

Choose a low-fat, reduced-calorie, or light ice cream. Saturated fat content is often lower in these variants. Avoid ice creams that use artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners, and opt instead for those that rely on natural ingredients.

8. Shellfish and Fried Seafood

Fried Seafood 
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Although shellfish can be healthy, fried seafood dishes often contain unhealthy fats and cholesterol-raising ingredients. Shellfish like shrimp, crab, lobster, and clams are a healthy addition to a balanced diet. They are low in fat, high in protein, and have beneficial nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids.

Deep-frying or using fried seafood dishes to prepare shellfish can overshadow its health benefits due to the cooking method and accompanying ingredients. Seafood dishes are typically fried by coating them in batter or breading and deep-frying them in oil.

This cooking method increases the dish's unhealthy fats and calories. Deep-frying oil is high in saturated and trans fats, which may raise the risk of heart disease by raising LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

9. Egg Yolks

Hard Boiled Eggs
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Egg yolks are a controversial topic in cholesterol management. They are rich in nutrients but also high in cholesterol, which can be a concern for those with existing high levels. While they're not entirely off-limits, moderation is key. Instead of completely avoiding them, try limiting your intake and balancing with other heart-healthy foods. Opting for egg whites can be a good alternative.

10. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil
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Coconut oil, often touted for its health benefits, is actually high in saturated fat, which can raise bad cholesterol levels (LDL). While it's a plant-based fat, its impact on cholesterol is similar to animal fats. If you're watching your cholesterol, it's wise to use it sparingly. Alternatives like olive oil or avocado oil are generally healthier options for maintaining good heart health.

11. Sugary Drinks and High-Sodium Foods

soda cans
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When drunk in large quantities, sugary drinks, including soda, fruit juices, and energy drinks, are associated with weight gain and elevated cholesterol. High blood pressure is associated with elevated cholesterol levels, and excessive salt consumption can contribute to both. Processed foods, canned soups, and salty snacks are common sources of high sodium intake.

12. Fatty Cuts of Meat

Tomahawk steak and veggies on a serving board. Low key image, horizontal orientation
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If you're a fan of juicy steaks, succulent pork belly, and savory sausages, you might want to watch out for their sneaky saturated fat content. These fatty cuts of meat can be delicious, but they also pack a punch of unhealthy fats. If you're looking to beef up your health game, try going for leaner cuts of meat.

It's a prime choice for a healthier lifestyle. When it comes to meat, opt for naked poultry (skinless, of course) and the leaner cuts of beef like sirloin or tenderloin. And if you happen to spot any visible fat on your meats, cut them off before cooking.

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