10 Worst Jobs In The World

worst job

AUTHOR: Maya Capasso

It's an unfortunate reality that many people work jobs they hate to make ends meet. But some positions are more terrible than the rest. A user posted on a popular online forum asking, "What's the worst job you ever had, and what was your breaking point?" People replied with the jobs they dreaded most each day before work. Can you relate?

1. TV Factory Employee

TV factory assembly line
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Working in a factory's assembly line is one of the most tedious jobs on earth. One former TV factory employee shares their story. "The job was in a windowless basement nicknamed 'The Dungeon.' The job involved picking up glass panels from boxes and putting them on a conveyor belt.

Alone. For 12 hours. At night." They say they reached their breaking point when they tried to go as long as possible without looking at their watch and looked after what felt like at least an hour. It had been ten minutes.

2. Egg Packager

Technologist in sterile clothing, hairnet and hygienic gloves checking quality of industrially produced egg in food processing plant or farm.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Some of the most dreadful jobs often include vile smells and vomit-inducing tasks. One user worked in an egg packing facility and said the worst part of the job was the horrific smell on top of the low pay and long hours. "Imagine the smell of rotten eggs constantly even after you leave. It gets into your hair and skin. Showering helps, but the smell clings to you."

3. Debt Collector

Debts collector and upset american family couple standing in doorway of flat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While some customer-facing jobs are rewarding and pleasant, others can be a nightmare. One example of this is a debt collector. A person who worked as a debt collector for a major credit card company says their experience in the position was "soul-sucking and boring." On top of that, there was a "constant barrage of people either crying because they couldn't pay or yelling at you for calling them in the first place."

4. Patient Caretaker in an Underfunded Psychiatric Hospital

Exasperated pensioner threatening his caretaker with his cane
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Being a nurse or a caretaker can be one of the best jobs on the planet because you help people in need daily. But when you're working in a poorly staffed and underfunded system, the job can be dangerous—someone who previously worked in an inpatient psychiatric hospital that was "underfunded and a poorly equipped facility.

A colleague of mine once got his femur broken during a restraint. There were also frequent bedbug and scabies outbreaks to the point I had to run all my clothes in the dryer twice as soon as I got home every day," they state.

5. Walmart Cart Collector

Cerritos, California, USA - April 18, 2016: Carts in parking lot are being pushed by CartManager XD, a shopping cart pusher, to make cart retrieval more efficient and safe.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Working minimum wage jobs for massive corporations often leads to exhaustion with a low payout. One Walmart cart pusher quit their job after two days. "I was doing eight hours by myself with a heat index of 114 and got yelled at for taking a water break. $10.50 an hour was not enough for heat stroke."

6. Morgue Runner

Employees of funeral service company prepare themselves by putting on protective suits and face masks to disinfect the coffin of a COVID-19 victim, in Gilly, Belgium, 03 April 2020.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While morgue employees are essential, some people aren't suited for the job because working with corpses and grieving families can be emotionally challenging. One user's partner used to transport dead bodies to the morgue, and they say, "He doesn't like talking about it, and I don't blame him."

7. Food Distribution Center Worker

African male warehouse employee loading boxes with fresh nectarines at fruits warehouse
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Working in a warehouse can be extremely physically taxing, and employers often lack empathy for their staff. One former food distribution warehouse employee's job was to load 60-pound boxes of canned goods into a truck for sixteen hours per day.

One day, the physical exertion caught up to him. "I got so exhausted I passed out and woke up a day later in the hospital," he writes. His employers had no sympathy and fired him for being a "No-call no-show" even though he was incapacitated in the hospital.

8. Recycling Plant Worker

Worker observing plastic on conveyor belt in recycling plant
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Not only does this job sound tedious, but it also sounds disgusting and sad. One commenter shares that they worked at a recycling plant in the late '90s, and their job was "To pick out the rats (dead or alive) and toss them into a bin for disposal." Yuck! "If not for the thick rubber gloves they issued me, I probably would have quit that job sooner than I had," they claim.

9. Telemarketer

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Cold-calling random phone numbers to sell people something sounds like an absolute nightmare. One former telemarketer confirms that their job was the worst they've ever had. "Some people were abusive. Most just said "No thanks" and hung up, but the constant rejection didn't make me feel very good. The one guy I did get to sign up told me outright that he was bankrupt and likely wouldn't be approved anyway."

10. Meat Packer

A meat industry laborer is packing minced meat into a box and getting ready to deliver it while standing next to a conveyor belt.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many people would find this job gross, but the squeamish would faint if they even tried it out. Meatpacking is a necessary yet messy job; this former meat packer shares their experience. They prepared "Hot dogs from scratch, Italian sausage, kielbasa, and choice cut beef/pork/lamb."

While that may sound delicious, the job entailed being "Covered in blood every day and wearing rubber aprons, knee-high fishing boots, and lab coats. My dog would lick me nonstop when I would come home," they assert.

Source: Reddit.

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