10 Weird but Tasty Recipes Created by Kids

Popchos - cheese popcorn

Kids have a knack for coming up with the most unusual and creative food combinations. While some might seem strange at first, they can actually be surprisingly delicious. Here are 10 strange but delicious recipes designed by kids that you have to try.

AUTHOR: Chisom Umeh

1. Refrigerated Hot Dogs

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This member, as a child, used to take refrigerated Hot Dogs from their grandpa's refrigerator and then shove those tiny red-hot candies inside of them. "I thought it was a delicacy," they said, "and I'm forever grateful the adults in my life pretended that it was, too."

2. Quesadilla Recipe

Quesadilla homemade
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One commenter said she once created a new quesadilla recipe that was filled with nothing besides cream cheese and pepperoni. "Made some tonight for the first time in years," she said, "and mini-me was not a wise child." She also said her chef sister made a shrimp kebab with grated orange peel, red pepper flakes, butter, and orange juice and cracked some salt over the whole thing.

3. Quick Pizza

Sandwich pizza
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A user shared a story from their childhood about when they were old enough to be home alone but not old enough to drive. They and their friends really wanted pizza, but they didn't have the right ingredients. So, they made the best version of it they could with what they had at hand, which was smushed-up sandwich bread on a cookie sheet, topped with ketchup, cut-up hot dogs, and American cheese. Then, baked it at 350 degrees. They said they remembered it being very soggy and wouldn't ever try it again.

4. Spice It Up

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In one of the weirdest combinations ever, one member openly confessed to drinking white vinegar and eating mustard. He also added A1 sauce to the mixture and ate it out of a bowl at night when nobody would yell at him for doing so. After that, he washed it down with pickle brine and spiced it up with horseradish. Other members protested that the user's soul was definitely made from acid to be able to consume such a mixture.

5. Popchos

Popchos - cheese popcorn
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Another user said their kids started melting cheese over popcorn and calling it popchos. "Obviously they're smarter than I ever was," the user said.

6. Cucumber Sandwich

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This member used to have a somewhat fun mixture of cucumber, Bacon Bits, and vinegar. They used to peel the cucumber, cut it up crosswise, then scoop out the seeds of each half. Holding each half vertically, they'd fill the hollow with those crunchy imitation Bacon Bits. After that, they'd just munch away. They confirmed that they love the sourness and saltiness of it.

7. Smushed Bologna

Bologna sandwich
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Admitting that they did this was embarrassing for this user, even though they did it when they were a kid. They shared the story anyway. They used to make what they called "smushed bologna" by scratching a slice of bologna with their fingernails and then eating big ribbons of bologna from under their fingernails. The user felt the need to inform everyone that they later bagged Master's degrees as an adult as proof that they turned out fine despite torturing themself as a kid.

8. Chocolate Pound Cake

Chocolate Pound Cake
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In what might be a delightful culinary invention, one user mixed up vanilla ice cream with their grandma's chocolate pound cake which was delicious but always a little crumbly. So they mixed it up till it was just a paste of crumbs and melty ice cream.

9. Spaghetti Sandwich

Spaghetti Sandwich
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As a kid, one user used to make spaghetti sandwiches by putting spaghetti between two slices of bread. It sounds weird now, but to the user back then, it was oddly delicious. Another user commented, saying that it was a major comfort food for them and they've been eating it most of their life. It reminds them of the past and "tastes like nostalgia."

10. Peanut Butter and Nestle Combo

Two bowls of peanut butter and peanuts on dark wooden background from top view
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This user made quick sandwiches from peanut butter and powdered Nestle. They could even swap the Nestle with some cocoa powder, and it'll still be tasty. They confessed that their sweet taste buds had toned down a little, but it used to be something they loved eating back then.

11. Pizza Crackers

Pizza Crackers
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

To make pizza crackers, take crackers, pizza sauce, and shredded Mexican cheese, then toss them into the oven till the cheese melts. Now you have your pizza cheese. The user who invented this as a child said they still make it today because it is kinda dope.

12. Cannibal Sandwich

Cannibal Sandwich
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In another weird mixture, one user admitted to making what they called "cannibal sandwiches" with their twin when they were kids. It was made up of raw ground beef with lots of ketchup on white bread. However, they stated expressly that they don't recommend this combo, probably because it wasn't very pleasant to their taste buds.

Source: Reddit.

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