10 Weight Loss Methods That Real People Used to Get Real Results

Discover 10 weight loss methods that aren't just talk; they're proven strategies used by real people to drop pounds effectively. From smart diet tweaks to engaging fitness routines, these real-life approaches offer practical insights for anyone looking to lose weight. Dive into the experiences of individuals who've transformed their lives, one pound at a time.

1. Limiting Portion Sizes

eating healthy bite
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The United States long ago rebranded as USA XXL. The love of all things massive extends to our plates, which in turn extends to our waistlines. So, while reducing portion sizes can shock the American psyche, it's perhaps the most accurate way to hit your weight-loss goals.

Heck, even salad will cause you to gain weight if you eat too much of it. Though there are exceptions, the weight-loss secret is no secret at all: eat less, weigh less.

2. Keeping a Food Log

Woman writing
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There's a reason why accountants write everything down in meticulous ledgers. You cannot be accountable if you don't keep track. Many of those who consistently feel healthy keep a thorough accounting of what they eat and when they eat it.

Now, you can keep track of the two pizzas and three milkshakes you ate last night and not lose weight. Still, creating a food ledger will help serious weight-loss warriors hold themselves accountable.

3. Getting an Air Fryer

Air Fryer potatoes
Image Credit: Corrie Cooks

An air fryer is a versatile cooking device with many potential health benefits. You can fry foods with a fraction of the oil and grease. You can prepare food easily, making cooking easy at home (rather than eating unhealthy take-out). An air fryer has helped more people lose weight than Richard Simmons.

4. Eliminating Snacking

doritos nachos
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Those disciplined enough to eat only at mealtime have the best shot at losing weight. It's the inter-meal snacking—intermittent snacking, if you will—that dooms so many Americans' best dietary intentions.

5. Water Please

drinking water
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Swapping sugary drinks for water can have a significant impact on your weight loss journey. Soda, juices, and even coffee with added sugars contribute empty calories that can add up quickly. By opting for water, you're eliminating these hidden calories, aiding digestion, and keeping your body hydrated. It's a simple change with powerful results, helping you move closer to your weight loss goals!

6. Getting a Bike

Man riding bike
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Live in a city? Try biking to work. Live in the burbs or the country? Get a bike for fun, low-impact exercise. Either way, get a bike.

7. Keto

Woman following keto diet.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The Ketogenic Diet, known casually as "keto," flips the food pyramid on its head. The name of the game is reducing carbohydrate and sugar intake. The body converts digestible carbohydrates into sugar, so keto is about limiting sugar intake.

Unsurprisingly, limiting sugar can contribute to weight loss and broader health goals. The question is sustainability. Can you overcome your cravings for pizza, steak sandwiches, and even fresh fruit? If so, keto is an option to consider, but it's not a long-term solution.

8. Intermittent Fasting

Man saying no to food
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The idea behind intermittent fasting is that when you're not constantly stuffing yourself with food, your body will access your existing fat stores to sustain itself. Many reputable dieticians swear by intermittent fasting, and the concept makes sense on its face.

9. Ditch the Car

woman walking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Choosing to walk instead of using your car is a simple yet effective way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Whether it's walking to the store, work, or just for leisure, it burns calories and strengthens muscles. Plus, it's environmentally friendly and can be a refreshing break in your day. Embrace the walk; your body will thank you!

10. Carnivore Diet

Couples purchasing meat
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One proponent of a diet comprised only of animal-derived products admits that what worked for them may not work for you. However, they said this diet, which is the inverse of veganism, allowed them to remain full for extended periods.

If you have ethical concerns or health conditions that make the carnivore diet unsafe, obviously disregard this entry. However, there are plenty of people who swear by the carnivore diet.

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