10 Ways Women Intimidate Men Without Realizing

Couples fighting

AUTHOR: Ben Rice

Unveiling the hidden impact of women's actions! Delve into the realm of unintentional intimidation as we reveal 10 ways that women unknowingly leave men feeling overwhelmed. From assertiveness to independence, these subtle behaviors have a profound effect, even if women may not realize it. Get ready for eye-opening revelations!

1. Showing Attention

Angry handsome man holding woman
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"That one of them might like me, and then I have to figure out how to have my first relationship while in my late 20s," says our first guy in the thread.

It saddens me to think there are men out there at this age yet to have a meaningful relationship. Of course, sharpening one's social skills will help find women in spaces where one feels most comfortable. Godspeed to this young man.

2. Aloofness

Reserved woman
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Multiple commenters bemoan modern women's lack of friendliness; most feel like women send out mostly unwelcoming signals these days. Far more appealing is a warm smile and easy nature. "Women who are intelligent and assertive don't need to shout from the rooftops about their existence intimidating men," comments one gentleman.

3. Being Too Independent

Independent Confident woman
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

"Most men don't like me or approach me because I'm a strong independent woman," says the next poster, with thinly veiled mockery. "Where are all the good men, etc."

This person considers many desirable women to be wantonly unapproachable. Since the turn of the century, male representation in TV, movies, and commercials has suffered; moreover, many women seem to channel their inner Carrie Bradshaw nowadays.

4. Micro Managing

Couples fighting
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Some men feel that certain women feel the need to be assertive or critical, which can be a turn-off. If given context, women don't always receive the same treatment as men in the workplace for acting in this manner. However, most guys want their partner at home to be peaceful. "I don't want a partner to act like my manager," explains one experienced commenter.

5. Violent Tendencies

angry woman screaming
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While deserved publicity goes to physically abusive men, some women bypass the same level of scrutiny. "What makes a woman intimidating?" ponders one contributor. "Waving a gun or a knife or behaving violently." I have friends with personal experience, and it never ends well. Men need to look for early signs of past trauma to be safe.

6. Beauty

Beautiful and confident woman smiling
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Nobody should begrudge a woman her looks and the resulting confidence, but most gentlemen find themselves tongue-tied when physically attracted to a woman. Confidence in women is sexy; maybe too sexy — and women should beware of men who are not fazed by it.

It usually means they are less attracted to them or trying their hardest to pretend as such. One observer concedes, "If a girl is absurdly gorgeous and very confident, I find her very intimidating." Sorry, ladies.

7. Psychological Bullying

Woman bullying man
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The connotation with bullies is usually a knuckleheaded, parentally neglected lunch money thief in the school playground. However, bullies can also wear a skirt sometimes. Put downs or mockery are far worse than a wedgie. "Where men may be physically threatening, women can be psychologically so," is one commenter's interpretation.

8. Insecurity

Woman thinking and biting nails
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This one is hard to define, as every human being on Earth is insecure about something, but the consensus in the thread leans toward unresolved past trauma. However, some women have endured abusive, neglectful relationships, which are reflected in their personalities and hard to untangle. One thing is sure: this goes both ways. We all need to deal with our past somehow.

9. Being Annoying

Couples arguing and fighting
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

"Women do not intimidate me," declares a man who probably enjoys solitude. "They do, however, annoy me deeply." There is a paradox here; if someone is annoying, people generally don't tell them so. However, relationships are about getting past smaller annoying habits and loving each other for better or worse — or so I keep telling myself!

10. Being Overly Confident

Woman talking rude and confident to man
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Turn on any relationship podcast these days, and you will see many females guest rate themselves out of ten. Sometimes, the entire panel of girls will award themselves full marks — much to the host's dismay. Is this becoming a thing? Being objective is a form of humility; anyone lacking self-awareness also may lack empathy — a key ingredient to good relationships.

(Source: Reddit).

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