10 Things Old People Wish We Still Had Today

old people beach

Times change, and so do the things around us. For many older folks, there are items and traditions from the past they dearly miss. This list is a nostalgic journey through 12 things from yesteryear that many seniors long for in today's world. From tangible objects to lost ways of life, these memories hold a special place in their hearts.

AUTHOR: Saad Muzaffar

1. Scent-sational Memories

good smell
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Ah, the power of smell to take you back in time. Who could forget the distinct aroma of Babysoft, Windsong, or Charlie cologne? Then there was the sweetness of strawberry lip gloss that marked many a teenage kiss. Don't forget the unique scents of Tab and Fresca soft drinks, often enjoyed during a lazy summer afternoon. And, of course, the earthy fragrance of patchouli oil, a staple in many bohemian homes. Each scent has a story and a place in the hearts of those who remember.

2. Bands on a Budget

concert tickets
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A $500 ticket to see your favorite band performing? Gone are the affordable days when attending concerts didn't cost an arm and a leg. A member mentions attending Jane's Addiction show in 1989 for only $8! Now who's "Been Caught Stealing?"

3. Change Is The Only Constant

Old couples
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many members share that they miss life without hyper-ness: hyper fears, hyper rate of change, hyper accessibility, and hyper parenting. Sure, technology has brought forth many wonders, but it has taken away tranquility and the essence of living in the moment.

4. Vinyl Voyages

vinyl record player
Image Credit: Shutterstock

One user shares the memorable times he used to drive to a record store with a list of records to buy and a heart full of excitement. These stores carried a deep catalog of just about everything. With the staff knowing more about music than anyone and rare music playing in the background that one would have never heard on the radio, every visit was like an adventure.

5. Arcade Memories: A Pixelated Past

Old man playing video games
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Ah - the sweet sound of quarters jingling as you walked into a video game arcade! For many older folks, this was the perfect hangout destination with their friends. From Pac-Man to Asteroids, these arcades had something for everyone. But, of course, today's vividly visual computer games can never match the simple retro experience!

6. Music-Television Nostalgia

Old man watching tv
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There was once a time when MTV truly stood for Music Television. One says there was something magical about staying up late to catch a video from your favorite musician; the joy of seeing the vivid visuals that brought the song to life was unparalleled.

Unfortunately, ever since reality shows have taken over, the channel is not the same anymore! You might call it, Ridiculousness.

7. Grown Up Too Fast

Old couple with baby
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many members articulate missing the childhoods of their children. Nothing feels the same as having babies in their lap with their sweet and light voices before they learned about the world's harsh realities.

8. Stars Under the Stars

drive in movie
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Drive-in movies were a cornerstone of American entertainment. Imagine pulling up in your car, cozying up with some popcorn and watching the latest flicks under the night sky. Whether it was a date night or a fun outing with friends, drive-ins offered a unique way to enjoy a movie. The joy of adjusting the metal speaker on the car window, the anticipation during intermission, and the comfort of watching in pajamas—these are experiences many older folks deeply miss.

9. Lost Art of Durable Appliances

Old man shrugging
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

An individual shares they miss good quality, long-lasting appliances. Sure, the countless features of today are unparalleled to any in the past, but the quality and longevity of products have fallen over time. Instead, we're left with a culture where everything is meant to be disposed of when the next model or trend comes along. Unsustainable for the planet and wallet alike!

10. Kids Gone Wild

kids playing outside
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One person shared that their parents would lock them out of their house in the morning, and they would explore the forest and cycle with their friends until it was time to get back. Nowadays, children go from one planned activity to the next without freedom.

This thread inspired the post.

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Hamburger Helper
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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chicken salad
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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3 thoughts on “10 Things Old People Wish We Still Had Today

  1. Yep this is definitely showing my age but we had a whole lot of freedom that the young is giving away with this global warming religion

  2. More things old people miss:

    $10 visit to the Dentist for a filling
    $3 ticket for a great movie

    5 cent pack of chewing gum
    2 for a penny candy at the
    $700 for a new Volkswagen
    $50 rent per month for a one bedroom

    Corner Store!!!

  3. More recipes from scratch not from the boxes that they've increased the sugar amount and the salt amount so much that everybody's so used to right now that they'll never get rid of diabetes. They keep doubling up on the sugar. This is a money-grabbing institution they want to make it possible for everyone to have as much sugar as they want. And just keep adding it on so they'll just totally all be a diabetics after a while don't they realize what they're doing to the people

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