10 Things Old People Do Better Than Millennials

old woman protest

It might come as a surprise, but there are quite a few things that older generations are excelling at compared to millennials. In various areas of life, the older crowd is outshining the younger generation, proving that age can bring its own set of advantages.

AUTHOR: Saad Muzaffar

1. Investment Mindset

Old couples with financial advisor
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Most boomers have financial knowledge that goes beyond securing a regular paycheck. Many are well aware of investments and always look for multiple income streams to enhance their financial security. It's an intelligent choice to have more than one source of income.

2. Persistence and Patience

Old man or baby boomer working as tailor
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It's well-known that many boomers disapprove of newer generations quitting their jobs too soon. While you shouldn't stick around in horrible work environments, many old-timers think that, if possible, staying with an employer for at least five years before changing your mind is helpful. Such persistence and patience are truly unique to this generation.

3. Political Participation

Old woman holding board participating in rally
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It doesn't matter what party you align with, but political participation and engagement are necessary to be a contributing member of any society. Unfortunately, newer generations are clouded by apathy and hopelessness, which reduces their interest in politics. On the other hand, baby boomers are vocal about preserving Social Security and Medicare.

4. Leadership Roles

Boomer woman operating laptop
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Owing to their experience and resilience during political and economic change, many boomers have acquired an understanding of instability and the ability to plan for the future. This skill of dealing with uncertainty gives this generation a knack for leadership positions. Mastering the art of change management makes them suited for executive designations.

5. Social Values

Old man chating with daughter
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While newer generations are more fluid in their perception of social relationships and marriages, baby boomers have concrete perceptions about community. In times of such flexibility and individualism, it's impressive that they hold such values near and dear to their heart and prioritize fostering a sense of community.

On the other hand, many millennials struggle to know the names of their next-door neighbors. This is unimaginable for boomers who are living in a neighborhood.

6. Business

Old man Wood Working
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Baby boomers are also more entrepreneurial than newer generations. Considering they have more capital, they are twice as likely to start a new business as millennials. While the assumption is most boomers stick to a 9 to 5 routine, many business-minded folks opt for these ventures to become more independent and gain control of their finances. No wonder this generation manages to secure immense wealth.

7. Family Support

Grandfather gifting to grandchild
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While newer generations have redefined family support and have focused more on fostering emotional connections, many boomers prioritize financial contributions to the household as their love language. Financially supporting the elderly family members and other dependent folks is their strong suit.

8. Self-Sufficiency

Baby Boomers cooking
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Having grown up in times when the service industry was less common and more expensive, many boomers are known for having many skills under their collective belts. From cooking to DIY home projects, many old-timers can be trusted with household maintenance without resorting to any hired services. No wonder most dads can do plumbing and electrical work by themselves.

9. Self-Sacrifice

Old mother talking to son
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While newer generations focus on their happiness, baby boomers tend to plan for the family due to their communal values. While neither of these approaches is better or worse, it is genuinely admirable when boomers invest in their children and spouses when planning retirement. They put family first, no matter what.

10. Less Entitlement

Old man talking to son in mobile
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One impressive thing about this generation is how it carves its own way. Many boomers don't expect anyone to come and save them. Hence, they have little entitlement in such matters. This is probably why they can withstand dire conditions without complaints and succeed.

Whether it's compromising in relationships or enduring harsh working conditions, boomers are made of steel.

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