10 Surprising Foods People in Their 50s Haven't Tasted


Imagine foods that are staples today but were unheard of for folks in their 50s when they were growing up. The culinary world has exploded with new tastes and ingredients that might surprise you. Curious about what someone in their 50s might not have tried yet?

1. Pears

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The original poster in the thread concedes that though they are over 50, they have never eaten a pear. This choice comes much to the dismay of pear lovers everywhere, one of whom declares, “Pull over. I’m getting this kid a pear.”

2. Snails

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Anyone would agree that dinner is the last thing on one’s mind when seeing a snail’s trail, but most say that texture is the defining factor against escargot. Strangely, the description of “garlic-flavored mushroom” is prominent in the discussion.

3. Octopus

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I recently stopped consuming octopus after seeing the excellent My Octopus Teacher documentary on Netflix. Octopi are sentient, far more intelligent than we know, and full of personality. Nevertheless, the consensus on eating octopus is more against the appearance and texture.

4. Oysters

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I am so with the readers on this answer. I have eaten deep-fried oysters, which are great. However, unappealing to most food lovers is the raw version. One person in the discussion confirms the anti-oyster sentiment and describes them as “The salty slimy sea booger.” Enough said.

5. Brains

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Besides one commenter’s bombshell that eating brain is “a gateway to prion diseases,” the main concern with brains is their appearance and soft consistency. The brain is such a symbolic organ that it loses appeal.

6. Eel

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I love eel, though only when prepared in a Japanese style. In London, they have jellied eels, which are boiled eels preserved in their gelatine-rich cooking liquor. Those who prefer to go over the edge can try eel pie. As usual, the eel’s serpentine demeanor is a turn-off for people and doesn’t change after half a century.

7. Tripe

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What is not to love about eating stomach lining? Those at the elite level of body-building or endurance sport will tell you it is full of calcium, protein, phosphorus, and linoleic acid. However, the majority of consumers can’t get past its intestinal appearance.

8. Durian

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One durian-hating Internet user describes the spiked fruit’s smell as reminiscent of “rotting garbage.” I think that is close enough. Hotels across Southeast Asia have a strict ‘no-durian’ policy for guests. The smell takes weeks to vacate an otherwise pleasant environment.

9. Rocky Mountain Oysters

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This is no surprise, especially when we see how appearance plays a role in most consumers’ disdain for some ingredients. However, there is visual disgust and psychological disgust. What deters people from this organ meat is more the latter.

10. Eggs

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Who’s laughing now? With the price of eggs reaching north of $18 a dozen these days, those who don’t like ovum-based food must be chuckling. However, eggs are a nutrition-rich superfood when eaten correctly and produced humanely.

This thread inspired this post.

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