10 Small Breakfast Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Morning


Starting the day with a perfect breakfast sets the tone for the hours ahead. However, it's the little things that can sometimes throw a wrench in your morning meal's perfection. From burnt toast to overdone eggs, these seemingly minor issues can majorly dampen the breakfast vibe. Let's explore the small but mighty breakfast busters that we all want to avoid.

1. Serving It Too Early

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"Having to eat it before 10 a.m." is the next person's quibble. I am with you, late riser; I am one of those people who have no appetite until way after 10 a.m. "I'm sorry, but I don't wake up until 10 a.m. because of my work schedule," explains another early breakfast antagonist. "12 p.m. should be the cut-off point."

2. Human Interaction

people eat breakfast
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A commenter explains that some people don't want to eat with a noisy crowd in the mornings, though one must suspect a parent wrote this. "Especially when they are under the age of 20, and you are legally responsible for them," quips a dad, confirming my suspicions.

3. Coffee Crimes

Woman drinking coffee
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The next thread is an abrupt exchange about the importance of our morning coffee, which is non-negotiable for me. "No coffee, though I'm not sure what's worse," replies the next thread observer. Yeah, tea doesn't provide ample resuscitation energy to get me moving — freshly ground Arabica coffee is the only way I roll.

4. Breakfast Dessert

Waffles square
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"Dessert being passed off as breakfast, being marketed to children," suggests a parent who despairs of the morning sugar apocalypse in most cereals. I am on the fence: I consider a custard Danish dessert-style food. Moreover, there is nothing wrong with the occasional sweet breakfast treat, though I crave savory food in the mornings.

5. Wet Toast

Bread in toaster
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When one commenter finds "soggy toast" the biggest breakfast blunder, my attention is piqued. Come on, hands up — who puts their toast on its side directly from the toaster? Have you not noticed that one side of the bread gets wet from condensation? Two words for anyone committing this carb crime: toast rack.

6. Premature Spreading

Australian breakfast with vegemite spread
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Okay, you have heard my thoughts on toast-racking etiquette; here is a common bedfellow for soggy toast — buttering the toast while still hot. Hear me out; hot, buttered toast is delicious, but if you wish to spread jam (or, in my case, English Marmite), you should let the toast cool to almost room temperature before doing so. You will thank me in the morning.

7. Morning Blues

Man paying for breakfast
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I glean from my reading that many people get their morning fix on the road or eat at a local diner. This approach comes with pitfalls, especially being served by service staff who are not morning people or, worst of all, the general public. One horrific anecdote involves a couple "in the next booth over" changing their baby's diaper.

8. All-day Breakfast That Isn't All-day

breakfast English
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"I never understood places that have 'all-day' breakfast that ends at 4:30 p.m.," one food lover reflects. However, a philosophical retort changes the thread's perspective. "Any later, and it'll become an 'all-evening' breakfast," muses a joker. I have never thought there was anything wrong with eating breakfast for dinner or supper — twenty-four-hour breakfasts should be a thing.

9. Weak Egg Game

Half boiled egg in pan
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People struggle with frying eggs, and it shouldn't be this way. There are several things egg eaters can do to ensure perfect over-easy fried eggs. Firstly, one must heat the pan, waiting until it is hot before adding oil, ensuring easier flipping. Secondly, use a decent-quality soft silicone-headed spatula. Cook the majority of the egg underneath, then a deft flip, and just a few seconds on the other side, your egg is ready to go.

10. Time

Woman eating breakfast
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Not giving yourself enough time to ease into the day will ruin breakfast. Instead of spending those extra snooze minutes in bed, investing in a full hour for breakfast will help you make a better breakfast; it will also help you enjoy the rest of the day more. Sometimes, we forget just to stop fretting and enjoy being alive — what better time to do this than breakfast?

11. Cheap Pancake Syrup

Pancake syrup
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Even when times are hard, my family eats good maple syrup. Canada's famous export cannot be recreated with synthetic flavoring or maple extract, and you might as well just not have pancakes if you aren't willing to buy the real stuff. I am joking, of course — just don't invite me for breakfast!

Source: Reddit.

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