10 Retro '90s Snacks That Will Make You Feel Like a Kid Again


The '90s were a golden era for iconic snacks and meals. These 10 nostalgic '90s foods will instantly transport you back to your childhood. From colorful cereals to unique snack creations, each item captures the essence of a decade known for its bold flavors and fun food inventions. Prepare for a delicious trip down memory lane.

1. Teddy Grahams

Teddy Grahams
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For one person, these became as addictive as illegal drugs, "They still have these! Word of warning, these were very addicting to me. Just munch munch munch until the box was gone."

2. Pop-Tarts

Pop tarts
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Remember when Pop-Tarts used real jelly? One user was adamant that they were the absolute best. "Pop-Tarts when they were still made with Smucker's jelly." They were delicious!

3. Keebler Tato Skins

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

"Tato skins got baked potato-a-peel because they're made with potatoes and skins that are real," or so went the 1985 marketing slogan for Keebler's Tato Skins. For one snack lover, they were the best. "Keebler Tato Skins — I miss those."

4. Minute Maid Juice Bars

Minute Maid
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Cold, tasty, cool, ticky, and squeezable, these little juice bars were everything a kid could want on summer vacation or a hot school day. "Those frozen fruit drink pouches at school, kinda triangle shaped."

5. Roy Rogers

Roy Rogers
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For a non-alcoholic beverage, this delightful drink is all grown up. "I'm a bartender, and kids still ask for these allll the time. Did it used to be a name-brand drink? I mix grenadine & Coke with a cherry garnish." It's good to know some things stick around.

6. Crystal Pepsi

Crystal Pepsi
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For plenty of contributors, this popular soft drink was the one '90s beverage they wanted to make a comeback. "Crystal Pepsi. This choice was honestly the first thing that came to my mind."

7. Taco Bell

Taco Bell
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Let's talk about the ever-popular Taco Bell Mexican pizza. Light, airy, and packed with flavor, you couldn't eat enough of these back in the day, as one user wanted everyone to know. "At least they realized Mexican pizza was popular enough."

8. Surge

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

So many commenters posted about this Coca-Cola failure that I included it despite personally thinking it tastes disgusting. It was a big hit in schools. "Surge soda and that cheap but was awesome paired with public school pizza."

9. Carnation Instant Breakfast

Carnation Instant Breakfast
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When I was growing up, my mom loved Carnation Instant Breakfast pouches, and as a kid, I always wondered why. Growing up, I bought them and figured out why she drank them religiously. I also learned that just because it tastes good doesn't mean it is good. Thanks, Life.

10. Chef Boyardee Chicken Parmesan Ziti

Chef Boyardee
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For one '90s child, Chef Boyardee was a lunch or dinnertime staple they remembered fondly. "Chef Boyardee's chicken parmesan ziti was amazing for a canned dish, with quality breaded chicken and sauce. I'm sure it was retired due to the production cost."

Junk Food Generation

Woman eating Pizza
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The '90s were a time of fun and frivolity for anyone born in the '80s. We were still young enough to make stupid diet choices without suffering severe consequences, as witnessed by this list of mostly snack and junk food staples that ruled our lives back then.

Source: Reddit.

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