10 Pumpkin Recipes You Haven't Tried Yet

pumpkin pancakes

Pumpkin isn't just for pies and Halloween! It's a versatile star in the kitchen, offering a mix of sweet and savory magic. This list showcases 10 creative and delicious ways to use pumpkin in your cooking, transforming everyday meals into something extraordinary with its rich flavor and vibrant color. AUTHOR: Ian Ferrero

1. Soup

Pumpkin Soup
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Making soup from pumpkins is very easy; one forum participant states, "Cook the pumpkin chunks in some chicken or vegetable broth with onion and spices (I love curry with pumpkin, or you could go sweet with some brown sugar for that sweet & savory thing). When nice & soft, use an immersion blender on it till nice & smooth. Maybe throw in a bit of cream, which makes it richer." You can get as creative as you want to make this soup your own. Get the recipe

2. Pancakes

Pumpkin pancake
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Starting the day with the most important meal does not get much better than with pumpkin pancakes! These are extremely easy to make; no special skills are required. Not only are they super easy and quick to make, but you can also get creative by adding as many toppings as you want. Get the recipe

3. Chili

Pumpkin chili
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Believe it or not, pumpkin chili is a thing, and it is delicious. Pumpkin chili does not have to be spicy, but people recommend throwing in some spice with the pumpkin to give it a more robust flavor. You could even serve the chili from inside the pumpkin!

4. Muffins

Pumpkin Muffins
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This delicious treat only gets better when you add in pumpkin! Muffins are super easy to make and delicious. One commenter with experience making them says, "Mix pumpkin and spice cake mix. The batter will be a little thick, but if it is too thick, add a tiny bit of water at a time until it's scoopable. Put in mini muffin tins that are greased and bake at 400° for 10-12 minutes, checking after 10." This comes from someone who makes them often, so I would take some notes.

5. Cheesecake

Pumpkin Cheesecake
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Moving more toward dessert, pumpkin cheesecake is an all-time favorite dessert for many people. A pumpkin cheesecake does not take many different ingredients than regular cheesecake but will taste so much better. This is similar to typical pumpkin pie but with more of a creamy texture than average pie. Get the recipe

6. Cubed Chunks

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You do not always need to cook the pumpkin down to a mush; you can leave it whole and eat the actual pumpkin. A forum participant states, "I like cubed pumpkin in a vegetable stew. It's soft and chewy like a potato with just a little more bite and a sweet, earthy taste, almost like a yam." Not only is it delicious, but it is also very nutritious.

7. Bread

Pumpkin bread
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A staple to the fall season, pumpkin bread is a sweet, delicious treat that you can have at any time of the day. Pumpkin bread is not only super tasty and easy to make, but you can get as creative as you want by adding chocolate chips, nuts, or even more fruit. To pair with that, pumpkin bread is reasonably healthy as well. Get the recipe

8. Oatmeal

Pumpkin oatmeal with walnuts
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Pumpkin oatmeal may be one of the best ways to start your day, not only for digestion but to give you fuel and feel full throughout the day. You can add whatever toppings you want to oatmeal since it is simple and easy to make.

9. Ravioli

Pumpkin ravioli
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A very creative way to utilize a pumpkin, pumpkin ravioli is a delicious dish that could be served year-round. This dish is almost a typical ravioli, just with some pumpkin chunks added to it. Not only can you eat the chunks, but you could roast some pumpkin seeds and add that to it as well.

10. Cookies

Pumpkin Cookies
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Adding pumpkin to dessert items may be the best way to use a pumpkin, with cookies being a fantastic addition. Pumpkin cookies are unique because they are simple, easy, and delicious, with much room for creativity. Add pumpkin swirls to them, or keep them plain with pumpkin and cinnamon!

Source: Reddit.

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