10 Popular Food Combos That Aren't That Great

strawberry with chocolate

Food combos often come with big promises of flavor explosions and unmatched taste experiences. Yet, some pairings get more credit than they deserve, floating on waves of trendiness rather than true taste merit. Here’s a look at 10 food combos that, despite their popularity, might not be the culinary masterpieces they’re made out to be.

1. Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese

Grilled Cheese Sandwich And Tomato Soup
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The original poster claims that they "love both items separately, but they do not belong together." I am going to put this down to some kind of bad experience they had with either one of these dishes. Come on, now — grilled cheese and tomato soup are like Batman and Robin.

2. Cookies and Milk

Cookies and Milk
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This suggestion comes with the caveat that it depends on how you consume these total culinary bedmates. "I have a big asterisk on this, so hear me out: cookies and milk if you're dunking the cookies," adds the observer. "The crumbs in the milk, the soggy cookie — both are textural nightmares to me."

3. Chocolate and Fruit

chocolate pineapple strawberry
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Do you walk past a chocolate fountain and shudder at the thought of people dangling grapes or pineapple in the cascade? Then, you will agree with this commenter's assessment of fruit and chocolate. "I really dislike chocolate and fruit together in basically all circumstances," they declare. "To me, it ruins the chocolate and the fruit."

4. Pork and Apple Sauce

Apple Sauce and Pork
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

"The apple sauce is sweet, and sweet-plus-meat is just weird to me," remarks the next culinary critic. "It's also why I don't like sweet chili sauce or sugary barbecue sauces." I will gain nothing from this post except to copyright the new phrase: "Sweet-plus-meat." This phrase is going to catch on!

5. Prosciutto and Cantaloupe

Prosciutto melone
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Before Parma Ham was even invented, Romans promoted eating fruit with meat to improve their subjects' health (Big Pharma was also yet to exist). Sometime later, "Prosciutto e melone" appeared in early modern Italian gastronomic writings and has been a hit ever since. "I just don't get why they're supposed to taste good together," wonders a non-Italian commenter. I quite like this combo, though the melon must be ripe.

6. Chocolate and Orange

Chocolate and Fruit
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

"Chocolate and orange," insists the next thread poster. "It is a classic combination, but it makes me want to hurl." In the United Kingdom, we have the Chocolate Orange, a ball of orange-flavored milk chocolate in the shape of an orange — segments and all. This treat is a mainstay of Christmas stockings but the stuff of nightmares for the contributor — clearly.

7. Avocado and Eggs

Avocado and Eggs
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

"I love both, but texturally, they don't work together for me," writes our newest generic food combo hater. I am with them on this suggestion; choose one or the other. The mush factor is strong in this dish. Eggs and avocados in any format, whether on toast or separately on the same plate, don't work for me.

8. Ketchup and Fried Chicken

Ketchup and Fried Chicken
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Considering how much I love fried chicken, I can get behind this suggestion completely. For most foods, ketchup is bad: it swamps all the flavors and becomes a culinary crutch for some diners. "For me, my dipping sauce for fried chicken will always be gravy," declares an enthusiast. However, allow me to retort: this gentleman must try Korean fried chicken — my new favorite way to eat crispy fowl.

9. Cake and Ice Cream

Cake and Ice Cream
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

"The ice cream always melts and makes some of the cake soggy," says the next Internet user. "Both are fine by themselves, but I don't put them together." You can imagine this person as a kid, freaking out over the cake-to-cream ratio — they must have found birthday parties insufferable.

10. Chicken and Waffles

Chicken and Waffles
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Southerners must be shaking their heads reading this. However, some online commentators don't dig this combination, which borrows from two separate meal groups — breakfast and dinner. "Chicken and Waffles can be good," notes a diplomatic observer, "but you'd need to sub the syrup for some sort of savory gravy that can also be used as a dipping sauce for the chicken." Good save, sir.

Source: Reddit.

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