10 People Who Made History by Ignoring the Haters

Sinead O'Connor

These 10 individuals were met with skepticism and laughter, but history proved them right. From groundbreaking scientific discoveries to visionary predictions, their stories remind us that sometimes, the world needs a little laughter before it can recognize genius.

AUTHOR: Gabrielle Reeder

1. John Yudkin

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John Yudkin proposed that sugar was a huge factor causing heart disease, among other health issues, yet the sugar industry vilified him, claiming that fat is the reason behind heart disease and health issues. To this day, people don't understand how bad sugar can be for the body. Meanwhile, certain types of fats are necessary for a healthy diet.

1. Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton

Young Man shocked
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Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton's story has to be one of the most depressing tales to circulate the news. She camped at Uluru in Australia with her infant daughter and claimed that a dingo ate her baby. Soon, the media turned her into a monster, perpetuating a story that she killed her daughter, and memes came out featuring the dogs and the woman stating a dingo stole/ate her baby. Authorities arrested Chamberlain-Creighton, and she sat in a cold cell for three years until the public learned a dingo actually did eat her baby.

2. Ingemar Westlund

Young woman scared
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"We had a similar case in Sweden where a man was accused of killing his wife on their rural property. His testimony was that he heard screaming from the nearby river, ran down to find his wife dead, and heard someone swim away in the darkness. He was jailed and tried in court but freed due to a lack of evidence, but was still a prime suspect. The wife was so badly abused that they tested their lawnmower for blood and tried running over dolls to see if they could reproduce the damage. After several years, someone tested the wife's jacket and found it was full of male elk saliva," a Swedish resident recalls.

3. Ignaz Semmelweis

Annoyed Angry Man
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We can thank the Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis for instituting sanitary precautions to the public, despite the mock he faced once he realized washing hands could save lives. He instructed medical professionals that washing hands could prevent infant deaths. Still, they laughed at him, caused him much unrest, and he passed away in a mental facility following a nervous breakdown.

4. Clair Patterson

Annoyed indignant young woman
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Clair Patterson discovered the age of the Earth by measuring lead pieces from a meteorite that hit Earth thousands of years ago, and he formulated his calculations based on the lead isotopes. Through his findings, he determined that lead in gasoline was a dangerous, poisonous item to continue to roll out, and gas companies knew he was right but couldn't give up the money.

6. Sinead O'Connor

Sinead O'Connor
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"If you want to see what actual 'cancel culture' is, look at what happened to her. And all those years of 'Sinead's off her rocker again' stories in the media, and then when she dies, suddenly they're gushing about her bravery and talent," someone states of the recently passed Irish singer. O'Connor publicly spoke out about crime in the Catholic church, abuse, and racism, but the public detested her candid attitude.

7. Patricia Stallings

Unhappy displeased and annoyed woman
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Being wrongfully blamed for the death of your child must be one of the most heartbreaking feelings. Patricia Stallings rushed her three-month-old son to the hospital after he displayed signs of troubled breathing and vomiting. The doctors diagnosed the child with poisoning, blaming the mother. The child returned home with his parents and returned to the hospital a few weeks later with the same issue. He passed away, and authorities arrested the mother and charged her with first-degree murder. While in jail, she had another child who displayed the same symptoms and was diagnosed with Methylmalonic academia (MMA). In this genetic disorder, your body can't make a specific protein needed for functions, mimicking poisoning symptoms.

8. Dixie Chicks

Dixie Chicks
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The Dixie Chicks decided to speak up about their opinions against the invasion of Iraq and chance ending their careers rather than stay silent about the event. The band spoke out in 2003, and their public opinion plummeted their career.

9. Nicolaus Copernicus

Young pretty young woman unhappy looking in camera with sarcastic expression.
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When Copernicus first founded the heliocentric solar system, the church believed him, but soon, they banned his idea and continued to teach the sun circled the planets. Today, we know that the planets orbit the sun.

10. Richard Jewell

Frustrated woman
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Jewell was "a security guard who found a bomb in a bag at the Olympics. But, for some reason, local police told the media that he was a suspect, and the press absolutely roasted him for months. It turned out he was not the bomber. He was, in fact, a real-life hero who possibly saved many lives. But his life was absolutely ruined. The press quickly squashed the story of the real bomber because they would have to admit how wrong they were about Richard Jewell first. Years later, he couldn't get work because even after the real bomber was caught, people still thought he did it," one user reports.

Source: Reddit.

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