10 Mistakes That Turn a Perfect Burger into a Disaster

Perfect Burger

A great hamburger is a thing of beauty, a perfect blend of flavors and textures. But it's a delicate balance, and some things can instantly turn this culinary masterpiece into a disappointment. From the wrong bun to overcooking the patty, let's dive into what not to do, ensuring your next burger is nothing short of spectacular.

1. Patty Escape

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This happens when a hamburger has so many toppings it looks like a tall tower of food. These are usually the burgers that restaurants insert a wooden skewer in the middle to keep the whole thing from collapsing. Any attempt to bite into the burger after removing the skewer will undoubtedly result in the burger and several toppings flying out of the other side. This is called patty escape, and it isn't enjoyable.

2. Bad Buns

mini burgers
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The bun used for burgers is just as crucial as the hamburger patty. It doesn't matter what type of bread you use, but it's a question of whether the bun can hold up while eating it. The quality of the bun can determine the difference between a good and lousy hamburger. If a burger has a bun that breaks apart with the first bite, or even worse, is soggy like a wet kitchen sponge, that can make a burger unappetizing quickly.

3. Gristle or Bones

Woman eating burger closing mouth
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This is a truly awful experience shared by many: They're eating their burger and suddenly find themselves chewing on something hard that should not be in the meat. It could be an errant piece of bone or ligament that got ground in with the burger meat while it was processed. Either way, it's a fast way to ruin what was otherwise a delicious burger.

4. Cold Patties

Woman tasting bad quality burger
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Cold patties are a problem that diners usually encounter when buying burgers at fast food restaurants, where food is often cooked in advance to keep pace with the speed of incoming customer orders. If the food preparer happens to select a burger patty that has been sitting for a while, it's not going to be piping hot, and it won't taste as good. There's no replacement for a hot, freshly cooked burger.

5. Too Much Cheese

Cheesy burger
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When adding cheese slices to a burger, it's easier to control the quantity. But adding cheese sauces to a burger makes it much harder to control how much goes on and can quickly go from just right to entirely too much. Some cheese on a burger is fine, but when a gallon of cheese is covering it, that just kills the whole purpose of eating a cheeseburger, not to mention that it's super messy.

6. Giant Veggies

Big size onions in burger
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Vegetables on a burger, like tomatoes or onions, are a tasty addition when used in moderation. But when the tomato or onion slices are so big that they are almost the same thickness as the burger patty, they overwhelm the burger. Thinner cuts of onions and tomatoes will balance out a burger nicely and enhance the taste without minimizing its flavor.

7. Miracle Whip

Miracle Whip
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The hate this particular condiment receives means stepping into the hotly contested debate about which one is better, Miracle Whip or mayonnaise. For some burger fans, Miracle Whip is a non-starter. For many who dislike Miracle Whip, the combination of sweet and savory taste of the condiment is too much to deal with compared to the rich flavor of mayonnaise.

8. Pickles

Pickles in burger
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Pickles are a staple of hamburgers, whether in slices, spears, or as a sweet relish. However, it is fair to say that pickles are an acquired taste that doesn't suit everyone. Pickles can give a surprise jolt to a burger, but the strong flavor can overwhelm it. While sweet or sour pickles are a necessity for some, for others, it simply doesn't belong on a burger.

9. Poor Construction

Traditional Pork burger
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Ever notice how burgers on television and print ads always look so well put together and appetizing? Yet, in real life, that's often not the case. A neatly constructed burger is much more visually appealing and tasty than a burger with the ingredients carelessly slapped on or one that looks like someone dropped it from a two-story building.

10. Overcooked or Undercooked Meat

Cooking burger patties
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Not everyone likes their burgers cooked the same way. Some prefer their meat cooked medium rare, while others prefer well-done. Burgers that are overcooked to the degree that they could be mistaken for a hockey puck aren't going to be anywhere close to edible. And burgers that are so undercooked that they're practically mooing aren't very palatable either. A perfectly cooked burger is an object to behold.

Source: Reddit.

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