10 Items That Aren’t Giving You Value for Money

expensive cars

In today's market, it's not uncommon to find products that seem to offer less value for more money. This list explores 10 such items, highlighting how consumers often end up paying more for less.

1. Sporting Events

football game
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Pro sports are an inalienable feature of the American experience. The typical professional sports game remains affordable...to Warren Buffett. Spending darn near $1,000 bucks for terrible seats, four sodas, and a bucket of popcorn just doesn't seem reasonable.

2. Vehicles

Riga, LV - MAY 21, 2020: Range Rover SVAutobiography near river
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Have you seen the cost of a new Toyota today? Let alone a foreign luxury vehicle. Though used-car prices have deflated a bit since the pandemic rush, the cost of purchasing a vehicle remains prohibitive for many.

Those who do take out a 10%-interest auto loan for a Kia or Honda end up underwhelmed, cringing every time the direct deposit hits.

3. Sharing Economy

Woman in car
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Take an Uber lately? You'll pay $15 to ride a distance you could've covered with a hop, skip, and jump. Book an Airbnb? Cleaning Fee: Your First and Second Born.

The sharing economy got a grip on the American economy, then tightened its hold more ruthlessly than an Anaconda. Thank those cabbies and hoteliers for sticking around during our nationally rebellious phase.

4. Fast Food

Smash Burger
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Whether it's the Value Menu, 4 for $4 Meal, or some other brand-specific promotion, fast food has always been known as affordable food. Sure, you'd need a three-hour nap and a Tums after driving through McDonald's, but at least it was cheap.

So what remains when you up prices to the point where the Dollar Menu is the Five Dollar Menu? Not much.

5. Housing

Woman with house keys
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Whether you own or rent, you long ago forgot the phrase "bang for your buck." Think more, barely audible squeak for your $2,500 per month. The cost of paper-thin walls and a roof to shelter you from the storm has not been this expensive in...ever?

6. Dining Out

woman eating at restaurant
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As the price of eating out rises, diners have less money to tip the waiter. Restauranteurs feel more pressure from rising food prices than anyone, and delivering a fresh, original dining experience becomes more costly. Service members and chefs, also stressed by the rising cost of living, find it challenging to go the extra mile for customers.

There are countless reasons why dining out becomes more and more expensive, yet the experience isn't keeping up with the price.

7. Consumer Technologies

Man with mobile
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Some products are "built to last." Phones, tablets, laptops, and other popular consumer technologies are usually "built to break." No, really, that's the business model.

If it's not a cracked screen, it's "software that can't keep up with the latest operating software or the latest cell towers. One way or another, Apple, Samsung, and their competitors will find a way to your wallet. Yet, the cost of the latest technology rarely justifies itself.

8. Netflix

Woman watching tv
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

First came news that subscribers will no longer be able to share their subscription with their entire extended family. Naturally, this prompted viewers to really analyze what they're getting for their Netflix subscription.

The verdict: Not enough.

9. Education

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There seems to be an inverse relationship between the cost of higher education and the number of quality job offers a college graduate receives. Education is so bad that 78% of college graduates don't know what "inverse relationship" means.

10. Finding a Job

Man stressed
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In some ways, the internet has been a blessing for job seekers. However, the ease of applying to jobs means that qualified candidates often get lost in a sea of digital resumes. Serious candidates spend countless time—the most valuable currency on the planet—submitting applications that never grace the intended recipient's gaze.

If time is money, finding a new job is one of the most expensive activities one can indulge in.

This thread inspired this post.

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Candy Corn
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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beans and hot dogs
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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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