10 International Foods Everyone Should Try Once

canadian fries cheese

The world is full of diverse and delicious cuisines waiting to be explored. Trying new foods can be an exciting adventure, offering a taste of different cultures. Here are 10 must-try foods from around the world that will take your taste buds on a global journey.

AUTHOR: Louisa Eunice

1. Kenyan Ugali

Ugali served with Fish, Kales, and Kachumbari, Sukumawiki Garnished tomatoes Samaki fried sukuma kienyenji nyanya Kenyan East Africa Meals delicious food cuisines loved by all people stample local foo
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Kenyans love ugali for the health benefits it offers. Many tourists find the mixture of corn, flour, and water unappealing, but don't underestimate the delicacy for what it looks like. The country's staple food accompanies vegetables and stewy foods like beef and chicken. A backpacker said, "Ugali is tasteless on its own, but combined with anything else, and it's delicious!"

2. Spanish Morro

Fried pork snout in a glass bowl.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Commonly known as pork snout (I'll admit that the name is not delightful), morro is tender and juicy when cooked at low temperatures using the right spices. You could also fry morro to kick up the flavors a notch higher. Spanish natives know it all too well! Crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside, it deserves a chance before you add it to the list of foods you'll never try. A woman added, "I never in a million years thought I'd enjoy pork snout. Try it!"

3. Ukrainian Salo

Selective focus. Salo. National Ukrainian product. Freshly salted bacon with spices on the board.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I'm one of those people who don't appreciate fat on my pork. If you're anything like me, you'll also kick fat to the curb. But Ukraine tells a different story! Known as salo in its native language, pork fat is nutritious and doesn't need refrigeration. How do you want to enjoy it? It's peppered, fried, smoked, and even consumed raw.

4. Japanese Natto (Fermented Beans)

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Don't let the thought of fermented beans irk your tastebuds because there's something to be basis about Japanese natto. Apart from vitamin B12, locals say it is loaded with calcium and protein. They also say it delays aging, reduces blood pressure, and lowers the chances of a heart attack. If you want to remain healthy, you should look into this delicacy.

5. Spanish Creta De Gallo (Pullet Crests)

Whole chicken roasted served with potato slices and lemon slices in a white bowl
Corrie Cooks

You'll find servings of pullet (a young hen that hasn't started laying eggs yet) served in many Spanish households. In other words, you'll be eating the head of a chicken! Meaty and described to taste like a mushroom, you could accompany this stewed delicacy with rice or potatoes. A member commented, "With many chefs adapting this delicacy into their dishes, I enjoyed eating it in a variety of ways."

6. Canadian Poutine

canadian fries cheese
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Poutine is a Canadian meal that gives the locals a sense of pride, but it's one that tourists may not be fond of. Granted, everyone loves French fries and a good sauce on the side, but the cheese curd that's added to the meal is what many are not excited about. The dish is comforting for Canadians, and with an open mind, it could be for you, too!

7. Uganda's Matoke

matoke with beans | Green banana and beans porridge
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Bananas are Uganda's staple food, and it only shows why the locals made a delicious meal out of it, the infamous matoke. According to local reports, the meal is full of calcium, normalizes blood pressure, and regulates blood flow through the nerves. Made of green bananas, a generous serving of matoke will make a statement on your plate.

8. Peruvian Lomo Saltado

Image Credit: Corrie Cooks.

Referred to as a democratic meal, Lomo Saltado is a delicacy that wouldn't look otherwise appealing unless you've had it. This delicious stir fry combines sirloin strips with the best local ingredients, representing a fusion of Chinese and Peruvian food brought about by immigrants. It's a hearty, tasty meal that will make you feel like you're part of the Peruvian culture.

9. Nigeria's Fufu

Fufu (fufuo, foofoo, foufou). In Central and Western Africa, fufu is any variety of starchy food that has been mashed and shaped into balls and eaten as a staple. Fufu can be made with yam, cassava
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Fufu is a round, elastic ball that's swallowed, but not chewed. This Nigerian side dish is satisfying and delicious. Common in West Africa, it's a meal you should try when visiting Nigerian restaurants worldwide. Although it has a slightly sour taste, it is a perfect accompaniment for bold soups.

10. Japan's Tuna Eyeballs

Japanese cuisine lunch set menu with simmered tuna head and assorted sashimi serve with rice, soup and pickles in tray. Simmered in the Japanese style called nitsuke.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A platform member recalled when a friend tricked him into eating Tuna eyeballs. He was given a small piece of meat packed with lots of flavor, topped with a sprinkle of lemon that brought it all to life! "I never imagined they were Tuna eyeballs! Disturbingly delicious! Everyone should try them!" he states.

Source: Quora.

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