10 Hidden Clutter Spots You're Overlooking Right Now

Clutter clothes

Clutter can sneak up in the most unexpected places around your home, turning tidy spaces into chaotic corners without you even noticing. From hidden spots behind doors to the unseen chaos of digital clutter, discovering these sneaky areas can be the first step to reclaiming your space and peace of mind.

AUTHOR: Chris Phelan

1. On Top of the Refrigerator

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Due to their tall height, refrigerators evolve into excellent places to lose something! The amount of junk found atop a random home's refrigerator is incredible. Thankfully, you have options to avoid this. "I mandated that things are just not allowed on the top of the fridge in our house," confesses one woman. "If I find stuff there, I put it somewhere else immediately. The only exception is if a fridge shelf is temporarily removed to make room for a huge item. Then the fridge shelf can be set up there."

2. The Junk Drawer

Junk Drawer
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

From using it to store everything from notepads, batteries, pens, takeout menus, and other random items to constantly neglecting to clean it out, the junk drawer exists as the ultimate reminder that we will never be as tidy as we want to be! For many people, decluttering your kitchen junk drawer is as easy as finding new places for everything inside it! You'll be surprised how many things you throw out.

3. Underneath the Sink

Bottles under sink
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As someone who habitually places random items underneath the sink, I admit I am someone who has helped mold that area into one of the most hidden dead zones in a home. If we all agreed to only use underneath the sink storage for extra rolls of toilet paper and a few cleaning supplies, our lives would be infinitely less cluttered!

4. The Living Room

Woman in a messy living room
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Believe it or not, your living room can become a dead zone! If you don't believe me, take a picture of it, and you'll realize how messy it is. "It's incredible how looking at a photo of the exact room you're literally standing in can make you notice just how messy it is!" reveals one man. "It's like looking at it through another person's eyes."

5. The Basement

Messy Basement
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

What is it about basements that make millions of men and women horde items they don't care if they ever see again? Basements have reputations for being total clutter traps, and most people accept it. However, that's no way to live a clutter-free life! While cleaning out a basement is most likely the last thing anyone wants to do, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. A clean and tidy basement is an underutilized space that brings new life into a home.

6. The Laundry Room

Messy Laundry Room
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It's ironic how dirty a laundry room can get despite its intended use: To clean things. Countless people admit their laundry rooms are in desperate need of decluttering. Ask yourself: When was the last time you deep cleaned your laundry room? By doing so, not only will you eliminate clutter, but I'm certain you'll find an extra sock or two lying around. It's a win-win proposition!

7. Desk Drawers

Messy Desk Drawers
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Does anybody safely secure essential things and vital documents inside a desk drawer? Of course not! Everyone knows that desk drawers are the non-kitchen equivalent of the junk drawer. As one of the most common hidden dead zones in a home, we should all take the initiative of clearing our messy desk drawers at least once every month.

8. Underneath the Bed

Storing under bed
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you're anything like me, the floor underneath the bed is the semi-permanent home for everything from random boxes to Christmas wrapping paper! However, keeping the area clean is possible, as one person reveals. "Many years ago, I used to visit with an old woman in my building," recounts one woman. "One day, she dropped something in the bedroom, and it was under the bed, and asked me to retrieve it as bending for her was difficult (she was in her 80s). So down I went; it was spotless under there! There wasn't a speck of dust. I was so impressed. I wanted that zone."

9. Random Shelves

Baby playing in shelf
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Clutter can accumulate in the most random places; unsurprisingly, many random shelves in your home have tons of junk sitting on top! "My sister and I have this deal where we take turns going to each other's house and help with whatever chore the other picks," explains one woman. "We are never judgmental of each other, and we always lovingly point out to each other the dead zones we forget ourselves. Having a new set of eyes point out what looks cluttered or grungy you become desensitized to is extremely helpful." That's one great way to keep shelves clear!

10. The Garage

Messy Garage
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

According to one woman, her garage is filled to the brim with clutter and junk. The culprit is clear: Her husband is to blame! "Only my husband contributes to dead zones," she says as she throws her loved one under the bus. "Every zone in my house is very much alive in my mind to the point that I agonize about the things piled in the garage and basement." It sounds like someone has some cleaning to do!

Source: Reddit.

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