10 Foods That Will Make Your Hangover Disappear


Waking up with a hangover can be tough, but there are some foods known to ease the pain. Here's a list of 10 hangover foods that are said to bring you back to life. From greasy favorites to refreshing fruits, these food choices may be just what's needed after a night of overindulgence. AUTHOR: Jaimee Marshall

1. Bananas

Woman eating Banana
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Packed with potassium, bananas help replenish electrolytes, reduce muscle cramps, and combat fatigue, making them an ideal choice to bounce back from a hangover. Enjoy a ripe banana on its own, pop one into a smoothie, or slice it onto a bowl of oatmeal or yogurt for a nutritious and satisfying breakfast.

2. Ginger

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Known for its soothing properties, ginger can alleviate nausea and settle an upset stomach, providing much-needed relief after a night of excessive drinking. Sip on ginger tea or add freshly grated ginger to hot water with a squeeze of lemon for a soothing and refreshing beverage. If you're up to cooking some homemade meals today, try incorporating ginger into your cooking.

3. Coconut Water

Coconut Water
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Whenever I've lost a lot of water, I make a point of drinking my coconut water. With its high electrolyte content, coconut water helps replenish fluids and restore hydration levels, making it an excellent choice to combat dehydration caused by alcohol. Drink coconut water chilled straight from the bottle, or blend it with your favorite fruits for a refreshing and hydrating smoothie.

4. Watermelon

Woman eating watermelon
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Refreshing and hydrating, watermelon is an excellent choice for relieving dehydration. It also provides essential vitamins and minerals, helping your body recover faster. Cut up watermelon into juicy slices and enjoy it as a hydrating snack

5. Spinach

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Spinach is packed with nutrients and antioxidants and helps combat the oxidative stress caused by alcohol. It can also provide a boost of vitamins and minerals, promoting overall recovery. Add fresh spinach leaves to a vibrant green smoothie or toss them into a salad with other nutritious ingredients for a wholesome meal.

6. Blueberries

Man holding blueberries
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Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, blueberries can aid in reducing inflammation and supporting your body's recovery process after a night of drinking. Sprinkle blueberries over a bowl of Greek yogurt, blend them into a delicious smoothie, or enjoy them as a sweet and antioxidant-rich snack.

7. Avocadoes

Woman with Avocado
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Packed with healthy fats and nutrients, avocados can help soothe an upset stomach and provide nourishment to help your body recover from the effects of alcohol. Mash avocado onto whole grain toast and sprinkle it with your favorite seasonings, make some guacamole, or try any of the millions of versatile ways you can incorporate avocadoes into a meal.

8. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

These root vegetables are a good source of complex carbohydrates, providing sustained energy and helping to replenish depleted glycogen stores after drinking. I like to roast them and enjoy them as a side dish, but you can also turn them into delicious sweet potato fries for a nutrient-rich snack that satisfies your french fries craving.

9. Whole Grain Bread

Whole Grain Bread
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Easy on the stomach and rich in carbohydrates, whole-grain bread can provide a much-needed energy boost and help settle an uneasy stomach. Make a tasty sandwich with whole grain bread, filling it with lean protein, veggies, and your choice of condiments for a balanced and delicious meal. Pairing carbohydrates with protein and fat prevents blood sugar spikes and crashes.

10. Nuts or Nut Butter

Mixed nuts
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Packed with healthy fats, protein, and essential nutrients, nuts or nut butter can provide sustained energy and help stabilize blood sugar levels, combating the sluggishness and fatigue caused by alcohol.

Grab a handful of mixed nuts for a quick and convenient snack, or spread nut butter on whole grain crackers or apple slices for a satisfying and nutritious treat. Don't forget the old classic: peanut butter and jelly. Mmm, it's making me hungry just thinking about it.

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