10 Foods That Are Too Messy to Eat in Public

spaghetti meatball

Some foods are just too messy for public dining! We've all been there, struggling with a dish that's more chaos than cuisine. In this fun list, we're showcasing 10 foods notorious for their messiness. Perfect for a laugh, these foods are best enjoyed in the comfort of your home, away from the public eye. AUTHOR: Chris Phelan

1. Hot Dogs

Couples eating hot dog
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As one of the most obvious foods on this list, hot dogs should be eaten discreetly, lest you open yourself up to public ridicule. One person puts it all into perspective. "Rob Lowe once told me in a Reddit AMA to never eat a hot dog in public because that means no one will take a picture of you with a hot dog in your mouth," reveals one woman.

2. Chicken Wings

chicken wings
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Not only does chicken wing consumption encourage eating large quantities of them, but it's also exceedingly messy. Chicken wings are ideal for maniacs who love getting food and sauce all over their face. For others who value their dignity, chicken wings are reserved for only the most shameful moments in their lives. As a man with a full beard and mustache, I know better than to dig into chicken wings in public.

3. Hard-Shell Tacos

Woman eating taco
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Who was the genius who invented the hard-shell taco, also known as the food that bursts into a thousand tiny pieces all over your face and clothes as soon as you bite into it? There's no classy way to eat hard-shell tacos, and if you choose this version over its soft-shell counterpart, you'll be dealing with quite a mess when you finish.

4. Chocolate-Covered Bananas

Banana covered in chocolate
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I must be honest: You can only blame yourself if you start receiving unwanted attention while eating a chocolate-covered banana in public. "I stopped getting chocolate-covered bananas from the ice cream truck when I was a teen after I started getting comments and looks from guys while eating it," says one blissfully unaware woman. If you insist on eating these delicacies, do so in the privacy of your own home.

5. Cinnamon Buns

Cinnamon Rolls
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Whether eating homemade cinnamon buns at a friend's brunch or Cinnabons at the airport, enjoying these decidedly unhealthy carbohydrate bombs in public is never a good look! You're announcing to the world that you've given up and are throwing your health out the window. It's not the most boring way to live, but I suggest finding a quiet corner to eat them in total privacy.

6. Meatballs Served in a Bucket

Grape Jelly Meatballs
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I never knew how much I wanted to embarrass myself in public until I learned about meatball buckets' existence. "Almost anything in a sports venue is exceedingly difficult to eat with dignity, but in my hockey arena, a local meatball restaurant sells meatball buckets on the 200 level," reports one sports fanatic. "They are a delicious and saucy indignity." In unrelated news, I think this guy may be my new best friend.

7. Mango

Woman eating mangoes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I feel bad for this man who has had countless negative experiences eating mangoes. "It's like the lobster of fruit," describes one millennial. "It's a hands-on experience that gets all over your face, and you have no dignity left after sucking on the pit." Hey, nobody told you to suck on the mango pit, man; that was all you.

8. Turkey Legs

Turkey Legs
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A staple at county fairs across the country, nothing is less dignified than embracing your inner fat slob and indulging in a deep-fried turkey leg! Don't worry; we've all experienced the shame of trying to eat an entire leg of an animal while being surrounded by thousands of people before. The whole act makes you reevaluate your life choices.

9. Burritos

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Nobody can deny that burritos are one of the most messy foods. Single ladies, beware! "Burritos are delicious, but they are a fourth-date food, minimum," reports one perpetually-single lady. "I know this. No dude will want to kiss me after seeing me go hog wild on a pork-and-rice tube the size of my head. It's like watching an oral rodeo." I don't know; I'm sure many men are looking for a woman just like her!

10. Baby Back Ribs

baby back ribs
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There isn't a more gluttonous food than baby back ribs. From licking your fingers to getting BBQ sauce all over your face, eating baby back ribs is a decidedly disgusting experience for anyone near you. Sure, the meat itself is undeniably delicious, but at what cost?

Source: Reddit.

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