10 Crazy Things We All Believed as Kids

cool girl

Remember those silly beliefs that seemed so real when we were kids? From thinking that swallowing a watermelon seed would grow a plant inside you to believing in monsters under the bed, these 10 things are a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Let's take a lighthearted look at the wonderfully weird world of childhood beliefs! AUTHOR: Boloere Seibidor.

1. Actors Lived Inside the TV

Shocked woman saying o
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Many of us were convinced that the actors and characters on our favorite TV shows lived inside the television and had no actual life. It was as if a little world was behind the screen, and those people were magically trapped there, like dolls. I often contemplated breaking the screen to "set them free."

2. The Terrifying Tale of the Golly Woggles

Woman scared closing face with dress
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I remember being told this story as a child, and now and then, I still reflect on it each time I'm tempted to leave my room in a mess. The story goes like this: Once upon a time, a wicked species known as the Golly Woggles lurked in the realm of childhood imagination.

These mischievous creatures had an insatiable appetite for tiny, exposed toes. Legend had it they emerged from the darkest corners of a messy room and crept silently toward those who dared to neglect the sacred bed-making ritual. You can't top that.

3. That Getting Fired at Work Means Getting Set Ablaze

Woman laughing and covering mouth
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An uncle visited one day. While conversing with my parents that evening, he lamented that life had gone downhill since they had fired him from his job. Do you know what I kept wondering? How was he still alive if he had been fired? All that should have been left should've been his ashes and nothing else. Hey — so many others shared my mentality.

One says, "I remember my mom mentioning that my dad might get fired from work, and I was terrified for him." With the way companies have been downsizing recently, we're glad getting fired isn't in the literal sense.

4. That the Moon Follows Us Everywhere

Woman upset
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Well, doesn't it?! Remember when you were convinced that the moon was your stalker? It didn't matter where you went to hide; the moon would always find you so long as it was night.

It's not like the moon has better things to do, right? I mean, it wasn't like stars that had their hand's full granting wishes. Perhaps, our young minds thought stalking was the actual duty of the moon. Oh, to be young and dumb.

5. Before Now, The World Was All Black and White

Woman shocked with hands over mouth
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We had all those old movies to blame. Those days we believed that when the world was still young (so much younger), everything in it was black and white, including the people, the streams, and the skies.

One person says, "When speaking to my parents/adults. I would ask questions about the past like 'How did people travel in the black and white days?'" This was practically me as a child.

6. The Tooth Fairy's Generosity Knows No Bounds

Woman shrugging
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Ah, the tooth fairy, that elusive nocturnal visitor who we believed snuck into our rooms, took our lost teeth, and left behind a shiny reward. As kids, we thought this winged wonder was the epitome of generosity, showering us with untold riches for each tooth we placed under our pillows. But alas, the reality is a cruel beast.

Instead of a chest full of riches, we woke up to find a humble coin resting in the place of our precious tooth. The tooth fairy's generosity had its limits, it seemed.

7. The Belief That All Cats Were Girls and All Dogs Were Boys

woman laughing covering face
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

How could we forget this classic childhood misconception? Picture this: as children, we were confident that cats and dogs had a secret breeding system that ensured their gender.

According to our logic, since all cats were girls and all dogs were boys, these two species would come together in an epic romance, resulting in the birth of little girl kittens and boy puppies. It was a perfectly logical explanation at the time.

8. Monkey Towers

Tourist keeping hand on forehead
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We all fell victim to our parents' playful teasing. Imagine the sheer delight of a young mind when their dad refers to water towers as "monkey towers."

No wonder you believed those towering structures were home to a mischievous monkey population. After all, monkeys need somewhere to hang out, right? No monkey is an island.

9. The Firefighter Would Set You Ablaze

Woman scared
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According to one contributor, when they were three, they were terrified of their best friend's father because he was a firefighter. So they thought that if there weren't enough fires to put out, he'd light them on fire to keep his job. Some of us watched too much horror, I'll tell you.

10. A Fruit Seed Would Grow Your Tummy

woman laughing with pointing hands
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When I was six, I mistakenly swallowed a mango seed. I was terrified when my mother said a mango tree would grow in my belly in a year. God, I wanted a quick surgery to remove the seed because she also said I couldn't pass it out in poop since it was quite a large seed.

Every morning, I would wake, touching my belly to check for the growth of the seed and earnestly praying to God to do me the kindness of letting it pass through my feces. Years later, I would learn that my mother had fooled me.

Our parents had fooled us all.

Source: Reddit.

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