10 Common Myths You Won't Believe Are False

facts vs myth

It's amazing how certain beliefs stick around, even when they're not true. We've all heard these common sayings and ideas, but guess what? They're myths! Get ready to be surprised as we debunk ten popular beliefs that have been misleading us. Time to separate fact from fiction and set the record straight! AUTHOR: Saad Muzaffar

1. Blue Blooded Creatures

blue lizard
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For one member, it's weird that their mother still believes blood is blue until it interacts with oxygen. However, this doesn't make sense as oxygen is in the blood, even when it's inside your body. The shade of red may vary based on the oxygen level, so let's move on from the myths we heard in middle school.

2. Productive Poverty?

Man with empty purse
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many still believe that high economic inequality drives productivity. While such a wage gap does make people work harder, it isn't productive or helpful. "As people run ragged, they do the absolute bare minimum and less because they can't afford to do more," one person comments. They believe that as people focus on surviving, they can't care less about the means.

3. Toxic Masculinity: An Endless Battle

masculine man
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Unfortunately, the debate over misogyny is prevalent even in 2023. With social media influencers and media figures, such as Andrew Tate, the discussion over masculine identity has gained much traction as terms like "alpha male" are seen floating around. It's no shocker that such exaggeration of masculine traits harms everyone, including men.


4. Self-Regulating Free Market

Woman thinking
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One member points out that the original concept included freedom from economic privilege and monopoly, requiring the state to prevent such things. However, the modern free market doesn't make sense because it argues for something the concept never proposed. A free market can't be free from checks and balances.

5. The Sensible Choice: College Education

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For generations, the misconception that college education is the common-sense next step after high school has been deep set. While a degree is supportive, there are other routes to success. The idea that going to college guarantees a life of prosperity is also flawed, as many graduates still struggle to find their place.

6. Spiders in the Stomach

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Some folks are convinced that we eat an average of 8 spiders a year. As the myth goes, this happens when we sleep with our mouths wide open, giving these crawlers an opening to enter our system. The simplest way to bust this misconception is to recognize that spiders have no reason to enter a person's mouth since it's an obvious danger.

7. The Tunnel Vision of Central Planning

People feeling surprised and shocked
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Central planning is often wrongfully thought to be a more efficient way of running an economy. While it may seem that one source of control can help regulate and distribute resources, the reality is much different, as historically, a single party rarely ever has enough insight to meet the needs of millions of people.

8. Shaving Showdown

Man shaving
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

For years, the notion that shaving hair makes it grow back thicker has plagued our lives. In truth, shaving does not affect the rate of hair growth or its thickness. The razor cuts the hair at the skin's surface, giving the impression of thick, dark hair growing back. However, what your hair is like comes down to genetics, not razors.

9. The Horrors of Swallowing

Woman making bubbles with chewing gum
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

According to folklore, it takes seven years for gum to pass through your digestive system. It isn't as bad as the other myth saying that swallowing gum can be fatal. Of course, science debunks both by saying that while gum should only be chewed, it isn't harmful if you ingest it. It won't get digested, but it will pass out.

10. Dietary Debates

Woman eating donut
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One person mentions that despite no evidence, several fad diet misconceptions have seeped into public consciousness. To name a few, sugar doesn't make kids hyperactive, and eating less isn't always better. Next time you hear something online, confirm it from a professional before thinking it's true.

Source: Reddit.

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