10 Common Mistakes in the Kitchen and How to Avoid Them

Blender soup chef

Cooking is an adventure, full of trials and triumphs. Along the way, we all stumble into a few kitchen mishaps—mistakes that, in hindsight, we wish we could've sidestepped. From over-seasoning to underestimating the power of high heat, here are 10 common cooking errors that many of us have learned the hard way.

AUTHOR: Ben Rice

1. Baking Powder or Baking Soda?

Baking soda
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Are you one of those people who adds something to a recipe only to doubt what it was in the first place? This problem applies to nearly all home bakers who have had to deal with the soda or powder dilemma — the best way to remember is that baking soda works best as a cleaning agent; baking powder makes your pancakes fluffy.

2. The Hot Blender Dichotomy

Woman blending spinach
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Soup made: check; blender plugged in: check; surely, now is the time to hit the ‘pulse’ button, right? Wrong. When you blend hot liquids in an enclosed space, expect the lid to jump off, splashing soup or hot coulis over the kitchen roof. Yes, that impatient chef was me — several times.

3. Cool It!

Woman Analyzing Cake
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A world-class decorative cake-making instruction comes from a home baker with common sense. If you are wondering whether the cake sponge has cooled enough for frosting yet, it isn’t. Sadly, I have been here before: something happens to a human when baking a cake — can we call it a Jonesing for frosting?

4. Fingers in the Cake Mixer

Woman using cake mixer
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We’ve all heard of keeping your fingers out of the cookie jar, though I have yet to hear the same about a running cake mixer. However, one absent-minded chef used their fingers to move some clogged butter. This scenario is the gastronomical equivalent of firing an empty chamber into your hand.

5. One Bad Egg

Breaking egg
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When mixing wet cake ingredients, do an egg check before committing any to the batter lest you mess up the whole batch. Nothing will frustrate a baker more than one bad egg ruining the entire batch. One way to avoid this problem is to put your egg in water. Like a witch, a bad egg will float due to its porous, air-trapping texture.

6. Tablespoons or Teaspoons?

Teaspoon of white sugar
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When measuring for recipes, it is always pertinent to check the unit before introducing the ingredients. I once added a tablespoon of salt to a Szechuan pork recipe that only required a teaspoon. Thankfully, my dinner guests hid their disdain until I tasted it and almost retched.

7. Old Timers

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With the advancement of culinary arts in the home, gadgetry is never far from the conversation. However, the preponderance of complaints about kitchen timers all lead to the same outcome — a self-stopping timer is about as useful as a square steering wheel. You must invest in a timer only humans — or highly dexterous house pets — can halt.

8. Colored Sand or Sugar Sprinkles?

Sugar Sprinkles
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When you are a home parent caring for your little ones, mixing childcare and baking can be a flawed exercise. One parent warns that sugar sprinkles look dangerously similar to colored play sand — don’t store them in the same cupboard for obvious, tried-and-tested reasons.

9. ‘Tis the Seasoning

Curry powder
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As explained with the measuring spoon dichotomy, making sure you season your food is as important as laying the right concrete in a foundation. One false move and the whole recipe will fall apart. Furthermore, don’t store unlabeled sugar and salt near each other — sugared french fries don’t taste very good. Salt is every cooking enthusiast’s best weapon.

10. Corn Syrup and Microwaves Don’t Get Along

High Fructose Corn Syrup
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

An adolescent home cook decided to make their first batch of microwave popcorn, which required two spoons of corn oil. Seeing that there was no corn oil, the youngster chose corn syrup instead — and in doing so, they chose violence. Their microwave almost exploded, and the kitchen smoke alarm went off after a few minutes on high.

Source: Reddit.

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