10 Best Tasting Tomatoes

Roma tomatoes

AUTHOR: Matt Harris

There are so few varieties of tomatoes in local stores, and that’s a great shame. Retailers have the opportunity to introduce consumers to many more options than are currently available, yet the choice remains restricted.

Some people may be surprised to learn that tomatoes don’t have to be red. In this round-up, we’ll look at a more comprehensive selection of tomatoes that are available through specialist retailers or can be grown at home.

1. Ildi

Bunch of small tomato fruits on a tomato plant. Ildi tomato variaty. Marigold flowers in the background.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Ildi are yellow tomatoes with a sweeter taste than many regular varieties that can be purchased in the stores. They are delicious raw, and some chefs like adding them to salads or using them in pasta dishes.

2. Black Opal

Black Opal tomato plant
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I tried growing these myself, and while the crop was small, the flavor of black opal tomatoes was incredible. They are purple and incredibly juicy, with a taste that’s almost reminiscent of black cherries.

3. Roma

Roma tomatoes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you see a red tomato shaped like a plum in your local store, it will likely be a Roma. This is a small variety with a good depth of flavor. Many growers claim this is the best option if you’re making tomato sauce or using the fruit as an ingredient in any hot dish.

4. Beefsteak

Beefsteak tomatoes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It’s strange to hear a tomato being described as "meaty," but that’s the texture usually attributed to the beefsteak. It’s a larger fruit that goes a long way, and it’s the best option if you’re slicing a tomato as a burger topping.

5. Sungold

Sungold tomatoes
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

While results may vary, the Sungold tomato should be one of the most straightforward varieties to grow at home. These should crop well if placed in the right conditions, and given plenty of love and care. They are a vibrant yellow fruit with one of the sweetest flavors of any tomato.

6. Brandywine

Brandywine tomato
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This is a curious-looking variant of the classic beefsteak tomato. The Brandywine is distinctive because of its ribbed center, and it grows well across most of the United States. It’s as versatile as the regular beefsteak and is perfect for burgers and sandwiches, but it looks more attractive.

7. Chocolate Stripes

Chocolate Stripes tomato
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Until now, most tomatoes on this list have a sweet flavor, but this is an exception. Chocolate stripes have a brown hue, but the name is misleading in terms of the taste. This is another beefsteak variety, but it offers more of a tangy finish.

8. Baby Boomer

Baby Boomer tomato
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This fruit should appeal to all generations, and the baby boomer isn’t just for those born before 1965. The name baby derives from the fact that this is a cherry tomato, while the term boomer is used because a single plant can produce up to 300 fruits. The Baby Boomer has a sweet flavor and is an excellent option for growing at home.

9. Tutti-Frutti F1 Cherry

Tutti frutti cherry tomato
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This is one of the newest varieties of tomatoes and has only been with us since 2018. The Tutti-Frutti F1 cherry is a sweet fruit with a hint of cherry flavor and has won some prestigious taste tests since it was introduced.

10. Gardener's Delight

Gardener's Delight cherry tomato seeds have a wonderful, old-fashioned flavour.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This heirloom variety is a top seller among growers and retailers. The Gardener's Delight is a red cherry tomato with a rich, sweet flavor. They're versatile too, since they're perfect for cooking or packing into lunch boxes to be eaten on their own.

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